Can I obtain all recent posts from a community?

I've checked the support and hacks and haven't seen anything - maybe I'm just trying the wrong way.
I'd like to see all the recent posts from a community (esp. if I'm away for a few days). I've tried variations on the following:
But they all just bring to the community's home page (in the above case DailyPhotos).
Is there a different syntax (or approach) I could use? It would sure speed up checking out all the wonderful uploads and commenting.
Best regards - still having fun with SM :clap
I'd like to see all the recent posts from a community (esp. if I'm away for a few days). I've tried variations on the following:
But they all just bring to the community's home page (in the above case DailyPhotos).
Is there a different syntax (or approach) I could use? It would sure speed up checking out all the wonderful uploads and commenting.
Best regards - still having fun with SM :clap
Jerry in Vienna