how much should i sell my photos for?

i would like to sell some of my photos but i dont know how much i should sell them for. my website is The pictures i am thinking of selling are on the main page but please feel free to look around and suggest any others that you think could sell.
i would like to sell some of my photos but i dont know how much i should sell them for. my website is The pictures i am thinking of selling are on the main page but please feel free to look around and suggest any others that you think could sell.
Welcome to the forums! IMO, before you try to start selling off of your website, you should make sure the site itself is complete. Correct spelling/grammar errors, etc, then move to the next level of selling. Potential customers will not have a confident feeling of purchasing from you if your site is unprofessional (spelling/grammar/format errors).
Below is an example from your main page that I would start with first:
This is a great place to learn, so feel free to ask questions!
the reason the spelling and grammar is wrong is because im dyslexic. so if you would help me improve it it would help me a lot.
also i was going to start selling some photos at a car boot sale.
thanks matt
happy snapping
I'd be happy to help out a bit...hopefully others can also pitch in and we can get your site cleaned up a bit.
I'll post a few edits of some things when I have more time in the next few days.
happy snapping
I am also lysdexic "the spelling is a joke" Here are a few minor changes I would make.
I am currently a novice photographer. I am using a Canon 350D and am pleased with the results so far. I have had experience with the Panasonic TZ3 which i would recommend as a good compact camera.
I would include what you like to take pictures of in your bio, or what you intend to take pictures of. I know that our other hobbies tend to influence what we take pictures of.
Matthew; here is one edit of your opening paragraphs.
I'm a 15 year-old student and have fallen in love with photography over the past months. I started with the Panasonic Lumix TZ3 but have upgraded to the newer Canon EOS 350D. You can browse my images here. I think the first images in the nature section are some of my better works.
just another thing, should i take some of my pictures off. And just have the best of the best if so what one do you think i should keep on.
thanks for all the help again and i like the joke
happy snapping