Big blue, little blue and a shot of wild turkey

Hello All,
Been awhile since I've gotten away to shoot some birds. I had a chance to duck out of work a bit early and headed over to a park in the hills. I have been seeing some nice shots, posted on other forums, from this park and was hoping to get some decent bird shots. I had seen burrowing owl pics, GBH pics and the occassional white tail kite pic :lust
I got there and saw another shooter out. Coincidently, I had met him before in a camera store. I was picking up my Tamron 28-75mm and he was buying a 20D. That was in November. He now has a 1Ds MkII :rolleyes Anyhow, we continued to shoot the bull while we went lookin' for birds
We saw the GBH. He was very mellow. I think I could have gotten to within 3 or 4 feet of him :uhoh
Anyhow here's the Big Blue

Looking over his shoulder

Not much else around to shoot while we talked so I snapped off a few shots of a pretty Western Scrub Jay. The Little Blue :rofl

Heading towards another parking lot I saw some turkeys feeding on a hillside.
So here's the shot of wild turkey :rolleyes

All shot with the Bigma. Between 300-500mm's, ISO800 and F8.
It felt sooo good to get out shooting birds again. I sort of wish I would have seen some of those lil owls, but what the hay :dunno Maybe next time
Comments or criticisms welcome
Thanks for looking,
Been awhile since I've gotten away to shoot some birds. I had a chance to duck out of work a bit early and headed over to a park in the hills. I have been seeing some nice shots, posted on other forums, from this park and was hoping to get some decent bird shots. I had seen burrowing owl pics, GBH pics and the occassional white tail kite pic :lust
I got there and saw another shooter out. Coincidently, I had met him before in a camera store. I was picking up my Tamron 28-75mm and he was buying a 20D. That was in November. He now has a 1Ds MkII :rolleyes Anyhow, we continued to shoot the bull while we went lookin' for birds

We saw the GBH. He was very mellow. I think I could have gotten to within 3 or 4 feet of him :uhoh
Anyhow here's the Big Blue

Looking over his shoulder

Not much else around to shoot while we talked so I snapped off a few shots of a pretty Western Scrub Jay. The Little Blue :rofl

Heading towards another parking lot I saw some turkeys feeding on a hillside.
So here's the shot of wild turkey :rolleyes

All shot with the Bigma. Between 300-500mm's, ISO800 and F8.
It felt sooo good to get out shooting birds again. I sort of wish I would have seen some of those lil owls, but what the hay :dunno Maybe next time

Comments or criticisms welcome

Thanks for looking,
SmugMug Support Hero
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
im kinda in a rutt right now not knowing where to go next....but anyway like them all and i guess the turkey is my fav, coz havent really seen too much of them in the wild.
Regarding the Bigma - sure does take alot of sun to get that f/8 doesnt it?? or are u upping the ISO??
So, I see your turkey as one sorry looking turkey, just showed up and hung his head.
No kidding, I would love to see a wild turkey.
Uh, what are these other forums?
Sounds like you had fun, looks fun. I got mostly white birds yesterday, at least no GGHs. I am starting to get excited when I see ANY bird, lately. Then on the way home from the doctor's. An easy run to the island and back, I got enough "white bird" shots to keep me on PS for longer than I would have wished. But I am very excited to get some shots that have eluded me in the past.
It was the tide, literally the tide, I think that gave me my birds. It was pretty much in, but the birds could still function on the rims of the marshes. Fresh Shrimp, diving heads (w/o a machine gun, I still got the head dive). All between here and there. After initial success, I took a slight detour, but not to any great place, just the "close to the house free place" where I got nothing the other night. Yesterday, I got the Ibis (es).
I would love to have been w you, I think that would be a ball. Andy owes you a visit about now, doesn't he? Seems it has been awhile.
I like the light on your GBH.
It looks like we have no light again today. Totally grey and it is almost 9 AM.
Hope to be responding to more bird posts from you.
I guess I will have to post this all over. I am finding it easier to pan w this lens than the 300. I got a lot of BIF yesterday. Partly due to the 20-30MPH winds, they were slowing the birds down. The only problem I have w panning now is that I am always on the wrong AF thing. Al servo, pans well, but can't compose and recompose. That has nothing to do with the lens, just an observation. This lens is "the big easy", I think that is what I would call it.
Great to see bird out of ya
and you even gave us a :food :eat shot in that last one, whada a guy :lol
All good ones
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These Jays are nice to look at, but they make a heck of a racket :uhoh When they're around every bird for miles knows there's someone coming
Thanks for looking,
Yeah, it was nice to go out with that big ole lens on again. I've been using wide lenses for the past few weeks and with my eyesight teles are so much more fun to use
Yes, it does take lots of light to shoot @ F8. I was shooting between 5-6pm so the light was fairly decent. But if my subject was in the shadows, the speed dropped like a rock
Thanks for your comments,
Yeah, I seldom see wild turkeys too. I think the last time was with Andy at another park in the East foothills
So I got lots of wild turkey butt shots too.....
Ahhh well, whether shot from the front, the side or the rear, they are pretty colored birds.
One of the other forums I mention is here A recent post about the park I visited is here Coincidently, the shooter uses a 400mm F5.6
I was just excited to get out and shoot. Meeting another shooter added to my enjoyment. That we got any decent shots was just icing on the
Good luck with those "white" birds. They are so tough to expose well if the light is harsh at all :uhoh
You are right about Andy. He will be out in about 10 days :eat He's sold his 200mm, as well as his 70-200mm I think
Ging, I think you're gonna be gaga over that lens soon. I've seen so many people get such great results from it that, as I mentioned in one of your threads, I'd love to be able to afford to pick one up
Thanks for your comments,
"Osprey Whisperer"
I thought how cool it would be to sit on my couch and shoot "birds". Snuck in here to get my camera. Bird is gone, but I am ready! I did shoot some flowering shrubs, while on couch.
I just have to say that I find this hilarious: ANDY NO LONGER OWNS A 200mm lens, SO NO BIRDING!
I must say he did get some good birds with that 70-200, amazed me, and was the prime reason I remembered to up the exposure yesterday to get birds in the light colored sky.
Never fear, you all, Steve go ahead, take him birding. Andy is up for just about anything, particularly if it is challenging. I have seen some ab fab bird shots w wide angle lenses. I know they are not PS tricks, soooooooooooo, I personally rose to the challenge a month or so ago. A GBH was around before a storm at the rookery. I took some regular shots, remembered my promise to myself to shoot wide w birds. This is w my 17-40:
That is a GBH lower left, at the rookery, such as our wetlands at Magnolia are called. It is one of my favorite bird shots. (May be difficult for others to see the bird) It reminds of some paintings from my childhood. Or something more recent from a Spielberg production.
Tell Andy that I am sure he can do much better at shooting birds with his wide, than I ever could w mine. Different perspectives: you w the Bigma and him with the wide.
I am glad you got a chance to go out w the "men", shoot the breeze and the birds. Places where the wild birds go, them are nice places for us, too.
Its great seeing your shots again and these are a pleasure to view. Just because Andy doesn't have any long glass at this moment (who knows what he will pick up in the next few hours) doesn't mean you can't shoot birds. You can use Andy as your beater. Have him go ahead to flush the birds while you get flight shots. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
These little guys were on a West facing slope and it was late afternoon, so they were lit up very well (maybe too well
Yeah, I agree that we don't see alot of wild turkeys. Either while shooting or posted in the forum. They are fairly rare. I'd sure like to get a few TIF shots
Thanks for taking the time to comment,
Nice to be back birding
I think the 3 Amigos you mention above are beyond their Wild Turkey days
As far as the GBH living in your backyard, him and about 50 other exotic You lucky dog
Thanks for your comments,
I like your wide shot
You know, I really don't feel too bad about Andy not having any long glass. He's so talented, I can't come close to him on people, landscapes or food shots
J/K, if he wants to shoot birds, birds it will be. But, I think he's going to want to do some landscape/beachscape shooting
Thanks for your comments,
So after your vacation from wildlife does it feel to get back to it??? Nice shots
Well, I feel more comfortable within my element
Give it up Trish. If I lived down there by you and Harry, I'd be shooting even more I don't think you're gonna be able to "kick the habit" very easily
Thanks for your comments Trish,
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
But I like the quizzical look on this one.
Probably making sure that's not a Nikon in your hands! :lol4
Well I had my Bigma attached and he might have been worried that it was part of a gun instead of a When fully extended it swings around like those 16 inch guns on the Missouri
Thanks for taking the time to comment,
Good input on the turkey. Might be the only chance I'll ever have to win a I'd like to get a closer shot though
Yep, I agree about those little jays. They are noisy, nicely colored and also fun to watch because they are so expressive. Cocking their heads this way and that. Investigating everything and every noise. Challenging any other bird that comes close.
They sort of remind me of Andy while he's downing a plate of ribs
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