painting with "Lite-Brite"

These are some options that my wife and I worked on the last couple of nights.... Need some help deciding which direction to go... Thanks for looking...:D













The other photos are fine, but not nearly as eye-catching as the colorful boat. And the next post will say that #3 is best! They are all good
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
It's a tough choice, but I think I like #6 better overall. Something I can't quite put my finger on, but I like the feeling better.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I agree with everyone's reasons for chosing one over another... I started off thinking I liked #2 the best because of the colors, but I also like the same things about the others that each of you pointed out (and in case anyone's wondering, the light source above the candles is a large mirror being moved around by my wife). I'm still not sure which of these I like best, and I'm having a hard time deciding whether to go with one from this series, or one of the 3 silhouettes of my wife that I posted before... I like both series for different reasons... Anyone care to chime in with your thoughts and muddy the waters a little more?
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I like the dinner scene, but it looks a little stock photo-ish to me. They'd actually be great stock photos (worth submitting somewhere?).
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Thanks Peter, I think I'm leaning that way too right now....