Gift certificates

Im looking at generating my own gift certificate, maybe making it an artsy type. I was thinking about going to a paper store and buying matching paper and enevelopes and printing them up as I need them. What do you think of this wording.
gift certificate
One Session
And one 8x10 portrait of your choice from
That session
Presented to:
Grand Island Chamber of Commerce raffle winner
Presented by:
Photographer – Fred J Claus
Family portrait customers note; sessions consist of 1 family in the portrait.
Please call ahead to book a date and location. Extra fees will be tacked on should
The photographer have to pay an admission fee to enter the venue chosen for the session.
P: 716-550-3897 | F: 716-239-4217 | |
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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Commercial Photographer
Save on your own SmugMug account. Just enter Coupon code i2J0HIOcEElwI at checkout
This is one I use:
Portrait Photo Session
Images by Ceci is pleased to offer you a Portrait photo session at a location in the Sussex area to be determined*. A one-hour session includes a minimum of 3 poses.
You will receive a CD with discretely watermarked images suitable for sharing via email or on the web with friends and family. Please note that the quality of the images on the CD is suitable for computer viewing only and if printed the quality will be poor.
You will also receive one print enlargement of one of the poses.
Prints of other poses / sizes may be purchased. You will be required to sign a model release allowing the photographer to use your images for promotional purposes.
Valued at a minimum of $250.00. Not redeemable for cash. Offer expires October 31, 2010.
To book your appointment, call: 506-644-8209
or email:
* Travel to locations more than 15km from Sussex will be charged at $0.50/km.
I call it an "offer" not a gift certificate because where I live there are laws that forbid putting expiry dates on gift certificates.
If someone actually purchases a true gift certificate for someone else, then I use different wording and no expiry date because it's just a value.
This is one I use for promotional purposes and donate to charities and other special events - e.g. a prize for a class at a horse show - etc.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
Nikon D700 | D300 | D80 | SB-800(x2) | SB-600(x2)
Nikkor Lenses: 14-24 f/2.8 | 24-70 f/2.8 | 50 f/1.8 | 85 f/1.4 | 70-200 f/2.8 VR II | 70-300 VR
Commercial Photographer
Save on your own SmugMug account. Just enter Coupon code i2J0HIOcEElwI at checkout
I looked up some electronic cards and they are way expensive, looks to be over $500+ to get going.
Ive been thinking about this today, and I think I may just go it the old fashioned way. Im thinking of desiging a double sided business card, one side will be the same for all of them, and it will have my logo and information on it. The other side will be custom for each card *may have to use for this, but its a bit pricey* with a unique 5 digit number and the terms of the gift card and loyalty program.
Then when I sell a card all I have to do is write down the 5 digit number and the value. I'll probably create a spreadsheet or database *probably database so its more professional looking if the client is with me and they cant see other people's information* and keep track of the balance records and loyalty incentives.
Another idea is to put a barcode on the back with the 5 digit number. Some cells can scan these barcodes and bring up information. I dont know much about this but I can see how it would be handy if you had an iphone or blackberry and kept the records on the phone *not so handy if you loose the phone*. These barcodes are square.
Theres a special on business cards, single sided for 500 or 250 cards for $10 total. But I would have to hand print or get a rubber stamp for the additional info and numbers for each card, which im thinking will look to unprofessional and might be easy for them to change.
Im not sure what the incentive program will be yet. im thinking something like 100 points for every $1.00 spent, and then they can apply the points towards future purchases or gift cards or something.
Im doing a county fair in a couple of weeks which is why im thinking of this now. I wnat to get some sales at the fair, and im thinking of running a special, $100 gift card for $50, but have limitations about not compatible with special offers like free sitting fee's. Itll be more of a gift certificate than a gift card because of the limitation.