Question about charging

Hello. I am supposed to take engagement shots tomorrow evening for my daughter's friend and her fiance. I don't know how to charge.
When I used to take senior pictures, I'd charge a $75 sitting fee and then mark up the prints. This girl mainly wants a shot for her "Save the Date" - no prints. You all know the time involved in a shoot, download selections, and post processing, even for just one shot. I also have 1/2 drive to get to the location. They want their dog in the shots too.
She basically said she didn't want prints, just hand over the "file". Uh, no.
What would you do?
I took pictures for her engagement party. Five hours, 350 shots. I processed 250 of them (which took 20 hours of my time) and posted them on Smug for her. She downloaded the ones she wanted and sent me a $50 gift card.
How do you control your pictures so they don't get taken? I know a Pro account would help, anything else? This is a weird situation because she's my daughter's friend, so I don't want to overcharge, but my time isn't free.
When I used to take senior pictures, I'd charge a $75 sitting fee and then mark up the prints. This girl mainly wants a shot for her "Save the Date" - no prints. You all know the time involved in a shoot, download selections, and post processing, even for just one shot. I also have 1/2 drive to get to the location. They want their dog in the shots too.
She basically said she didn't want prints, just hand over the "file". Uh, no.
What would you do?
I took pictures for her engagement party. Five hours, 350 shots. I processed 250 of them (which took 20 hours of my time) and posted them on Smug for her. She downloaded the ones she wanted and sent me a $50 gift card.
How do you control your pictures so they don't get taken? I know a Pro account would help, anything else? This is a weird situation because she's my daughter's friend, so I don't want to overcharge, but my time isn't free.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I have a pro account so I may not be aware of some missing options.... For starters, don't offer digital downloads. Does a non pro account allow an option for that? Second, does standard allow for watermarks?
If it does: develop a digital watermark for your SmugMug account and save it as a GIF or JPEG. Make a gallery invisible to the public and upload the watermark file to it. Go to the gallery with the file, and click "Tools -> This Image -> more -> make into watermark" You can set transparency options afterward. Then, go to the gallery of images you want to protect, and change it's settings to include the watermark (Its in the mess of options for galleries) If watermarking is not allowed for basic that would be kind of bogus in my opinion since any level of commercial photography needs watermarking.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Pics from my first session.
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
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Don't charge your daughter's friends is my advice. You put everybody in an awkward position. If you don't like to work for free then have a quiet word with your daughter so she does not make any more offers. As it is they probably think you are enjoying yourself and they have no cash, so you will enjoy yourself even more when you do not need to charge indirectly via Smugmug, being a decent guy, etc.
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