Simple way to get a thumbnail image
I'm trying to do an API call to get a thumbnail image representing each album/gallery, but the only way I've found is to call smugmug.images.get() for each album, which would be more calls then I'd like to make. Is there a way to do one of the following:
1) Get a thumbnail for each image.
2) Get one representative image without getting all images (IE, smugmug.images.get(1) or something like that to just get 1 image).
Thanks for your help!
1) Get a thumbnail for each image.
2) Get one representative image without getting all images (IE, smugmug.images.get(1) or something like that to just get 1 image).
Thanks for your help!
I dont see anything in the api for the "featured" image in an album, either at the image or album level. Looks like you are stuck calling albums.get and images.get. Images.get can be slow if there are hundreds of images in an album, so it will be slow. There is a similar problem when trying to get a list of all the keywords.
I take this back, see "Highlight struct" in the smugmug.albums.getInfo documentation.
...&Extras=Highlight,[Size]URL where [Size] can be Tiny,Thumb,Small, Medium, Large, etc
Hope this helps.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
You just made my day:-) Thanks so much, that's exactly what I was looking for, and now, well, I'm really excited to release my next version of my Android Portfolio program!
SmugMug API Developer
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