
LR3 and exporting to CS5

Candid ArtsCandid Arts Registered Users Posts: 1,685 Major grins
edited August 9, 2010 in Finishing School
So, question... If I put a .CR2 file from LR3 into CS5 via the export to CS5 option, do some edits, and save it back to LR3, I now have a .psd file in LR3. Now, say I do some edits in LR3. Now say I need to put that .psd file back into CS5 to work on it some more. If I export the .psd file back into CS5 and tell LR that I want to export the original file (it says lightroom exports will not be visible), when I bring that back into LR from PS after I do the PS edits, will the previous LR edits be applied on top of the new CS5 edits?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.



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    Thunder RabbitThunder Rabbit Registered Users Posts: 172 Major grins
    edited August 8, 2010

    IF it works like Lr2 & Cs3, and you use the "Edit In" function, Ctrl+E, (not "Export"), you may apply Lr settings to a PSD document, but the Lr adjustments will not be visible in Ps when you open the original PSD file. When you save the adjustments in Ps, then view the image in Lr, the Lr settings will be applied and will be visible. The changes made in Ps will be visible, but with the Lr settings applied on top of them.

    Lr reads PSD files, but Ps does not read the Xmp sidecar files attached to a PSD file. I think. (Of course, it can and does read the sidecar on RAW files.)

    Or something like that.

    Thunder Rabbit GRFX
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    Candid ArtsCandid Arts Registered Users Posts: 1,685 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2010
    Gotta figured out. Basically do my edit in option and create the .psd file from the original cr2. Save it back in to LR. Make edits. Use "Edit In" option again and do more edits in PS. Save back into LR. BUT, the LR edits will not be visible. BUT THEN, if you go to your History in LR, just select that last edit you did, and it will re apply all the edits to the new .psd file. Works like a charm.

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    arodneyarodney Registered Users Posts: 2,005 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2010
    LR (and ACR) are metadata, raw processors (by and large, they do edit rendered images but the process is quite different). When you render the PSD, its a new iteration of RGB pixel based data. Going back to do further editing in Develop means LR has to make another iteration from the PSD, moving you farther from the original non destructive nature of metadata processing from the raw. Ideally you draw a line in the sand when moving from metadata editing to pixel editing in Photoshop. Every rendered image further processed in LR has to undergo conversion into the LR native color space when the metadata edits are reapplied for that new PSD iteration. So again, ideally you would do all the metadata edits in LR, render the PSD or TIFF and then do pixel editing in Photoshop and that rendered document would stay out of Develop from now on, used to print in the Print Module, stored within the LR database etc. You can always open the PSD from LR and edit it in Photoshop, no worries. Its going back and forth from Develop to PS to Develop you way want to consider avoiding.
    Andrew Rodney
    Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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