Ni hao...

Still going through 20GB of pics I took when I took while in China...
I spent nearly 5 weeks in China this past May/June...Meeting my wife's family, getting to know my step son....
I found this picture very amusing... I took the pic, and and appear in the pic.. didn't notice the reflections until today....
Oh, It was a Nokia N97 cel phone that I used...almost looks like I am giving a one finger salute LOL
I spent nearly 5 weeks in China this past May/June...Meeting my wife's family, getting to know my step son....
I found this picture very amusing... I took the pic, and and appear in the pic.. didn't notice the reflections until today....
Oh, It was a Nokia N97 cel phone that I used...almost looks like I am giving a one finger salute LOL
The "unrecycling" sign on the trash receptacle is neat..
Here are a couple more "Chinglish" signs I found in China.
Over a urinal in Beijing's Summer Palace:
By a pond in a Shanghai park:
Dear Doofus
Holy crap! How many shots does it take with a cell phone to get 20 Gigs of files?
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
I took 20gb of pics using my K7, when I wasn't carry that around I used the Nokia N97 for taking pics. For instance the above pic was taken outside some wholesaler mall, I was waiting for my wife while she was shopping and I noticed the "unrecycling" bin...
here us another taken with a cel phone.... not to bad imho
On the street in Beijing
At least that what this growth on a tree reminded me of....
Also in the Forbidden City
They are everywhere you don't look
This is a window frame at one of the temples in the Forbidden City
Some guy got in the way of this pic...
Noodles from the cafe in the airport, at either Hunagshan or Hefie.. can't remember, and the geo tagging did not work indoors
Traditionally it appears on menus as "terrible smelling fish"
Many restaurateurs have caught on that a perfect literal translation is not always the best.... So you may see this on a menu as "Fragrant Fish"..
Well... to set the record straight it did smell bad, and did not taste to good... Its been a few months and I'm still trying to figure out how they could ruin such a nice piece of fish...
Went food shopping today, she mentioned we should go to Walmart
some pics of not your average Wallymart..well a pic... I had pics of the bulk rice and bulk honey (10 different kinds) but the pics were not even up to my low standards.. Will try to swing by Wallyworld again and get some more pics..:ivar
Wifey says Wallyworld has good prices and products... like dried sea-cucumber for 7980 rmb/Kg.
Enough talk more action..
Dried meat
Perhaps this should be in the macro area, it was taken at Yellow Mountain, Huangshan, Anhui Province.
Yes Don't scribble...
One suggestion. Perhaps you could check out photobucket or smugmug or some such photo hosting site. Some of these are free and some you pay for, but the benefit is that you can post multiple photo at the same time. You might save a lot of time this way.
Hope to see more photos!