Big City Software??

Has anyone ever heard of this website:
Look how cheap they have Photoshop CS2! It's download only, you don't get the box or anything. It seems too good to be true though, and usually things that are too good to be true aren't true....
I don't know if I should trust this site or not...anyone know??? :dunno
Look how cheap they have Photoshop CS2! It's download only, you don't get the box or anything. It seems too good to be true though, and usually things that are too good to be true aren't true....
I don't know if I should trust this site or not...anyone know??? :dunno
I would contact adobe and ask them to verify if this company is doing legal business or not.
If you do so please let us know the result of it.
SmugMug Support Hero
You're better off getting an educational discount, IMO, if you can swing it.
It's $300 (half price), but not shady. Academic Superstore is one place.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I feel like I need to take more pictures just so I can add better shots to my galleries. Does that make me crazy?
If thats the case I must be CrAzY too!! :bash
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
A NKU Photoshop CS is $299 (no CS2)
Adobe Creative Suite Premium $399
Read the fine print on the website. There will ba a statement to the effect that you acknowledge you have a ligetimate copy, and that they are only providing you with a backup.
That's how they are getting away with selling what is really a pirated copy. They claim it's just a service to provide owners a backup copy.