Which is the best for under $700 ?
For my D70S, which is the best sport phography lens for under $700 US. Looking for at least 150mm.
I was considering this one;
Nikon Telephoto 180mm f/2.8D AF ED-IF
Opinions ?
I was considering this one;
Nikon Telephoto 180mm f/2.8D AF ED-IF
Opinions ?
Basketball will require a much shorter lens than say surf. Indoor requires
speed. Etc.
More info makes the answer better (well hopefully better). But Lucky is
right about the 80-200.
I already have:
Nikon 50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor
Nikon 28-80 f/3.3-5.6G AF Zoom-Nikkor
Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6G AF Zoom-Nikkor
Looking for a prime.
I agree with the previous posters, and having one myself, an 'older' 80-200/2.8D AF-s is pretty hard to beat for sports. I use it often and even wide open it focusses fast, and has an immediate manual override. For a good explanation about tthe differences between these lenses, check out: http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/80200afs.htm
W/o trying to insult anybody, my personal experience is that after you have shot with the 80-200/2.8D AF-S you will not touch your 70-300 anymore other than packaging it up affter you sell it.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here: http://www.xo-studios.com
Well this makes it tough. For racing, I would think something in the 300
range might do. But for a newer lens, you'll need more than $700.
Since you have the 70-300, maybe a 400? Once again, more than the
$700 you've budgeted though. But the 400 would give you great reach
not already in your quiver.
Buy used and from a reputable seller and I think you might be able to
get something in your price range.