
Workflow: Bridge verses Lightroom TO Photoshop

CindyCindy Registered Users Posts: 542 Major grins
edited August 12, 2010 in Finishing School
I want to improve and speedup my workflow and have heard Lightroom will help me accomplish this. For ages now I've been using Bridge (and/or Nikon View) for cataloging, keywording, metadata, bulk actions (neat image), etc & then photoshop to edit. I understand LR does all the cataloging better... is this true? What's the difference? Will Lightroom recognize the keywords, captions, etc that I've added using Bridge?

Would love to know your imput/experience. Thank you.
Cindy Colbert (Utterback) • Wishing You Co-Bear Love, Hugs & Laughter!!!


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    arodneyarodney Registered Users Posts: 2,005 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Cindy wrote: »
    I understand LR does all the cataloging better... is this true? What's the difference? Will Lightroom recognize the keywords, captions, etc that I've added using Bridge?

    Bridge is a browser, it doesn’t really catalog anything. Lightroom is an actual database (DAM) it does catalog all the images. And yes, all the metadata you have added will show up in LR.
    Andrew Rodney
    Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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    rsquaredrsquared Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2010
    Andrew got it right... The key difference is that Lightroom stores all the info in a database (and optionally with the files also), whereas bridge has to look at all the files again every time. Let's say you've got 10,000 photos and you want to find all of them that have a certain keyword. LR will look at it's database, find the 500 (for instance) files with that keyword, and show them to you in a couple seconds. Bridge can spend minutes scanning through all the photos to build it's list. And if you shut Bridge down, reopen it and do the same search again, it has to rescan those files again.
    Rob Rogers -- R Squared Photography (Nikon D90)
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