I've been lurking in the sharp shooter challenges, but here goes my first attempt.
Very nice, I really like the "softness" of the image and the overall comp is very pleasing to the eye. Woderfull lighting and highlights of the bubbles and nice seperation of the image and back ground... very good image overall
I also like the idea (and it's a difficult challenge to do). I think the picture might benefit from "fixing" the yellowish/noisy tinge visible at the right bottom corner. I'd consider b/w, and/or color correction of some sort.
I also really like the effect at the left side of the glass, where we're seeing the shape formed by the bubble on the glass, refracted through the glass? I'd be interested in seeing whether shooting at different angles could enhance, spotlight that effect.
Great idea! Although I find your image very interesting, a bright straw added to the glass would make people smile when they see it. Just my two cents.....
Great idea! Although I find your image very interesting, a bright straw added to the glass would make people smile when they see it. Just my two cents.....
I've desaturated the yellows, cleared out some of the noise, added a wee bit more contrast and brightened it up a touch.
Think it's headed in the right direction? Thanks again.
Kristen, it could very well be my eyes, but it may be worth double cking your level. I have the rim of the glass angling downward on the right side...just a hair. Again, it could just be me.
fun shot. and I like Leahs thought to add the straw.
Kristen, it could very well be my eyes, but it may be worth double cking your level. I have the rim of the glass angling downward on the right side...just a hair. Again, it could just be me.
fun shot. and I like Leahs thought to add the straw.
i see it. thank you for pointing that out. It was just a hair, like you said. Does this look more balanced?
is there a record for the number of "Please delete me" requests in the DSS gallery? hahaha... I was trying to hurry and get my entry in because we have guests arriving today and staying for the week, but I should have been a little more patient before uploading y entry so quickly.
maybe it was too much. now it looks like it's leaning to the left to me.
you have a problem here in that your background shades are not on the same level as the glass. I wondered if that was going to be the case. Both lines seem evident when you look at the image....Damn.
What I would do, and please, this is not me saying what you should do... Only me 'learning out loud'
But my process would be to see if I could find a happy medium, and if not, I may go into post and apply a bit of a gauss blur to the background to pull a bit more definition from those lines. Or reshoot.......but I guarantee I'm too lazy for that....
a little late to comment - I like #2 of the set with the straw showing the table.
Also, the close-up bubbles is pretty neat too. It's been interesting to see the evolution. The only thing that I could possibly nit about that is the blinds in the bg - slightly distracting? Anyway, great shot!
I feel like there should be a bit more milk showing because right now the focus is bubbles. Also I agree with playing with different solid color straws too and the blinds are a distraction.
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Thank you everyone for the feedback. I've been out of town and entertaining out-of-town family, so I wasn't able to really do anything with the constructive feedback. Will definitely pay more attention to those little details in the future!
Very nice, I really like the "softness" of the image and the overall comp is very pleasing to the eye. Woderfull lighting and highlights of the bubbles and nice seperation of the image and back ground... very good image overall
My SmugMug
I also really like the effect at the left side of the glass, where we're seeing the shape formed by the bubble on the glass, refracted through the glass? I'd be interested in seeing whether shooting at different angles could enhance, spotlight that effect.
Have fun entering!
My Smugmug Photos
Here are a few other perspectives of the same shot. Oh, and it includes the straw that I had cropped out! Great minds...
Thanks again for the feedback!
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
Leah was right. I smiled when I saw #4.
Think it's headed in the right direction? Thanks again.
A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
Kristen, it could very well be my eyes, but it may be worth double cking your level. I have the rim of the glass angling downward on the right side...just a hair. Again, it could just be me.
fun shot. and I like Leahs thought to add the straw.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
is there a record for the number of "Please delete me" requests in the DSS gallery? hahaha... I was trying to hurry and get my entry in because we have guests arriving today and staying for the week, but I should have been a little more patient before uploading y entry so quickly.
Lesson learned.
you have a problem here in that your background shades are not on the same level as the glass. I wondered if that was going to be the case. Both lines seem evident when you look at the image....Damn.
What I would do, and please, this is not me saying what you should do..
But my process would be to see if I could find a happy medium, and if not, I may go into post and apply a bit of a gauss blur to the background to pull a bit more definition from those lines. Or reshoot.......but I guarantee I'm too lazy for that....
I agree with the others, the straw really adds to the image.
Nice job first time around. Welcome to the Challenges.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Also, the close-up bubbles is pretty neat too. It's been interesting to see the evolution. The only thing that I could possibly nit about that is the blinds in the bg - slightly distracting? Anyway, great shot!