
Can I do this in LR3 and SmugMug?

kbevphotokbevphoto Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
edited September 12, 2010 in Finishing School
Hey all -
I am thinking about a way to keep my portfolio galleries current on my site. Here's what I'm thinking:

* Use LR3's publish capability with Jeff's Plugin
* Create smart galleries that pull 5-star photos with certain keywords (e.g. "Portfolio" and a category) into different portfolio galleries
* Use the plugin to publish these photos to my site.

This way as I process new shoots, I can just assigned the 5-start rating and the galleries/publish takes care of the rest. Right now, I am doing it all manually which is a pain... As evidenced by the fact that I haven't updated the portfolio photos in over a year.... Argh!

Would this work?


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    rsquaredrsquared Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2010
    It pretty much works that way... The only problem (currently) is that LR doesn't provide a way to auto publish, or even to know which smart galleries have new stuff to publish. In other words you would have to visit each gallery (aka Publish Collection) in LR and if there was anything new, press the publish button.

    But other than that small thing, it does save a LOT of time publishing new stuff!
    Rob Rogers -- R Squared Photography (Nikon D90)
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    kbevphotokbevphoto Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited August 14, 2010
    Thanks. I just ordered my upgrade!
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    kbevphotokbevphoto Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited September 11, 2010
    rsquared wrote: »
    It pretty much works that way... The only problem (currently) is that LR doesn't provide a way to auto publish, or even to know which smart galleries have new stuff to publish. In other words you would have to visit each gallery (aka Publish Collection) in LR and if there was anything new, press the publish button.

    But other than that small thing, it does save a LOT of time publishing new stuff!

    Rob -
    I've set up all of my smart galleries for my portfolio, which use a combo of keywords and ratings to sort them. I was hoping that I could tell LR3 to just check that gallery for new photos and publish directly. I don't see that option and it looks like I'll need to copy the new photos manually from the smart gallery to the SM "publish gallery".

    Alternately, I think I can export/import the settings from my smart gallery to the publish gallery, but that seems really silly.

    Am I missing something?
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    rsquaredrsquared Registered Users Posts: 306 Major grins
    edited September 11, 2010
    kbevphoto wrote: »
    Rob -
    I've set up all of my smart galleries for my portfolio, which use a combo of keywords and ratings to sort them. I was hoping that I could tell LR3 to just check that gallery for new photos and publish directly. I don't see that option and it looks like I'll need to copy the new photos manually from the smart gallery to the SM "publish gallery".

    Alternately, I think I can export/import the settings from my smart gallery to the publish gallery, but that seems really silly.

    Am I missing something?

    Did you set up smart galleries under the jf SmugMug plugin? In the plugin settings, there is a checkbox next to each gallery for Normal or Smart. (You can check either or both) Once you have selected smart there, a smart gallery with that name will appear under the plugin. You can give that smart gallery all the same settings you can with any other collection.
    Rob Rogers -- R Squared Photography (Nikon D90)
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    kbevphotokbevphoto Registered Users Posts: 110 Major grins
    edited September 12, 2010
    rsquared wrote: »
    Did you set up smart galleries under the jf SmugMug plugin? In the plugin settings, there is a checkbox next to each gallery for Normal or Smart. (You can check either or both) Once you have selected smart there, a smart gallery with that name will appear under the plugin. You can give that smart gallery all the same settings you can with any other collection.

    I think that fixed it. I was using the native Smug plugin, not Jeff's. His appears to do what i want. Their looks like it's easier than before, but not exactly the most streamlined. I am creating a few galleries for my workflow. When I 5-star something they get pulled into a smart collection queue. When I go to that queue and use my "Portfolio" keyword set, the get dropped into specific protfolio galleries. I want to do that and then just go to the gallery and hit publish. With JF's that works right. With the Adobe plugin i have to drag and drop from my "Smart, keyworded" collection to the publish section. doing that for all 8 galleries would be a pain. Thanks! I'm testing it now...
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