New Java Uploader, New Problems

So I've had to deal with this new uploader and I've noticed it likes to just randomly stop when using my multi-wan connection and multiple upload sessions. As expected, this problem couldn't come at a worse time. :cry
The error messages are either none, where it just says 'Queued' and doesn't start. Or another message about " error uploading, trying again". But it's not trying again, that's for sure.
I can hit pause uploading and then resume uploading, but this is a manual workaround that will not work. I might as well upload each file individually using old faithful--not a solution with 1000+ images.
Anyone else having this issue?
Let me also take this time to stress the ultimate solution--ftp uploading. Read all about it here:
The error messages are either none, where it just says 'Queued' and doesn't start. Or another message about " error uploading, trying again". But it's not trying again, that's for sure.
I can hit pause uploading and then resume uploading, but this is a manual workaround that will not work. I might as well upload each file individually using old faithful--not a solution with 1000+ images.
Anyone else having this issue?
Let me also take this time to stress the ultimate solution--ftp uploading. Read all about it here:
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Hey, sorry you are having difficulties. Can you please write our Support Heroes with full details and we'll help you from the help desk thanks!
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Same problem here... as soon as the new uploader was implemented.
I'll often start an upload and then go to bed. First time I used the new uploader, 7 files had uploaded before it just stopped. Last saturday night I think around 35 uploaded before it stopped. Sunday I had to pause and resume a couple times to get my pictures uploaded. Another upload sunday night was smooth.
Sometimes there's an error message (when the internet connection hiccups) and sometimes there's nothing.
To complicate things more - sometimes it appears to have retried an upload for a specific file. It shows this file with an error message - but has actually managed to upload it successfully. Then it just halts on a later file upload until I Pause/Restart.
Overall, it means that it's currently unusable as a "set it running and go do something else" upload - you need to keep checking on it, to see it it needs restarting.
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I've done all the test recommended on the help page, and not really know what do to about those results.
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Not sure whats going on but the uploader isnt showing up for me at all.
Using Chrome and on Windows 7 64bit
please please write our Support Heroes and let us help you directly from the help desk. Thanks!
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1) "There was error uploading: Album doesn't exist" - this is clearly a bug, since all the files before and after are uploading to the same gallery absolutely fine.
2) The penultimate "Upload complete" shows a graphical glitch, this should never happen, especially since the green progress bar is surely supposed to go from left to right?
Until these issues are resolved (via Support Heroes or otherwise) PLEASE add the previous default uploader (which worked fine) to the list of old uploaders.
HOWEVER, this doesn't work properly - the screenshot below displays another two bugs (following on from my previous post)...
3) "Multiple duplicates exist" - this can only mean that during the previous upload the uploader malfunctioned and successfully uploaded the same file more than once, this should never happen!
4) "allow duplciates" - typo!
Hi, please write our Support Heroes and let us help you directly from the help desk. Thanks!
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About 8 people reported the same problem in this thread. Any chance you could have the help desk post their answer over here?
Had it happen to me again yesterday. Started an upload and walked away. Checked back later and 17 had uploaded. The next upload in line just said Queued as if it was going to start normally, but it just never started. No error messages. A Pause and Resume got it going again. Had to babysit the 100+ picture upload and give it a couple more kicks.
How about making the JAVA uploader an alternate?
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