Mini Challenge #102 - Medieval

I Still can't believe that i won the last mini challenge, what a great way to start as a new member on this forum 
So now it's up to me. I love to take pictures in those old medieval villages. Not only do i like the architecture, but but also the events they often organize in villages like this. Great to walk around and take pictures. So i'd love to see your "medieval" images. Anything goes; portraits, buildings, food, events, you name it
Here are the rules:
Mini-Challenge #102 will end Saturday, Aug 21th 2010 at Midnight in central europe. (yes i'm from Europe
i've just checked my windows clock and date/timezone and it says UTC +01:00 Amsterdam. Hope that is clear enough.)
So We are looking at a small week for this challenge.
To get you started i like to post a few samples:
Some instrument


Food (well i think it is???)





a medieval job

Medieval transportation

As you can see, there's a lot to be posted in this mini challenge.
I'm curious what you all have to post and i sure hope you will enjoy this mini challenge. I know i will!

So now it's up to me. I love to take pictures in those old medieval villages. Not only do i like the architecture, but but also the events they often organize in villages like this. Great to walk around and take pictures. So i'd love to see your "medieval" images. Anything goes; portraits, buildings, food, events, you name it

Here are the rules:
Mini-Challenge #102 will end Saturday, Aug 21th 2010 at Midnight in central europe. (yes i'm from Europe

So We are looking at a small week for this challenge.
To get you started i like to post a few samples:
Some instrument


Food (well i think it is???)





a medieval job

Medieval transportation

As you can see, there's a lot to be posted in this mini challenge.
I'm curious what you all have to post and i sure hope you will enjoy this mini challenge. I know i will!
== hurdy-gurdy.(don't quote me on the spelling. . .) According to the musicians I hang out with, It's out of the Scandinavian countries originally (Finland?). I do know that to my ear it sounds like a cross between a fiddle and an accordion. There is an instrument with a similar finger/keyboard which is excited with a bow, very much like a fiddle or 'cello, called a Nykelharpa (phonetically spelled- again, don't quote me. . .)
Just a bit of Useless trivia . . .
Off to shoot. . .
(congrats, by the way!
Stained Glass
2. The Armour....
3. Enchanted Castle at nightfall...
Narrow streets
Old lock
Semana Santa festival
Randy C
Cool to see some girona pics too, i might visit that town within two weeks from now
I hope there's more like this to come, so all you lurkers: Dig up any images of old villages, swords, knights in armor, anything
My site
Ancient Roman hot spring bath house in the British town of Bath.
Castle Walls
[IMG] 2-sm.jpg[/IMG]
Windsor Castle's exterior wall and moat-turned-courtyard.
On Hallowed Ground
St. Cuthbert's Kirkyard, with Edinburgh Castle in the distance.
All photos taken with a Nikon D70 and a Quantaray 18-55mm lens
We loved Girona! I hope you can make it there. If you're interested in what to expect, my gallery is here.
Randy C
Saint-Paul, France 2 of 3:
Saint-Paul, France 3 of 3:
Los Angeles dance photographer
My site
I can only show three, right?
Okay, then. Two pictures of Visby: You'll see a juxtaposition of the modern and the medieval, of course, because I was capturing the story of our trip. (Might not be exactly what you were looking for...but I thought it would be fun to share.)
1. Jousting Tournament.
2. Trying It on for Size
Third shot was also taken in 2008 during the Tall Ships Festival in Bergen Norway.
3. Nordic Ships
Edited to add: I noticed that I'm supposed to indicate what camera and lens. These were taken with a Canon Rebel XT and a Tamron 18-250mm (without VR). The first shot was one of the few that worked perfectly as I panned with the Red Knight.)
Thanks! That is in South of France. A lot of people call it "Saint-Paul De Vance", however, they are 2 different villages next to each other, one Saint-Paul, the other De Vance or just Vance. Saint-Paul is one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. It is all about medieval.
Location on google map:,+france&sll=34.052659,11.293945&sspn=45.948539,48.911133&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Saint-Paul,+Alpes-Maritimes,+Provence-Alpes-C%C3%B4te+d'Azur,+France&ll=43.737368,6.778564&spn=2.544048,3.056946&z=9
Los Angeles dance photographer
"Anyone remember where I parked?"
"Everybody loves a parade."
"Some dragons are friendly"
Maybe clone out the guy's head right above his helmet... great shot, though.
From the Medieval room of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. No flash allowed.
This armor is under glass, so sorry for the reflections.
Some stained glass:
I'm enjoying seeing everyone else's photos.
I know what you mean... I saw the theme and thought, 'I knew I should have gone to Scarborough Faire this year'... lol Oh well.
My SmugMug
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
found these in the gothic quarter in Barcelona.
- Diana
The clock is ticking... last chance
My site
2. Skelligs
I know the medieval subject was a though one, but nevertheless there are some outstanding images posted.
I do have my favorties, but i will take a closer look in the next few hours.
I will post the winners in a new thread on sunday 22-08-2010.
Thank you for participating in this mini challenge!
My site