Traveling pics
I generally set my camera at the "fine" 8MP setting so that I will have some leeway to blow up to 8 x 10 (minimum) or crop & zoom in without grain (without being so large it uses up the entire card).
We will be travelling (so using internet cafes) and I notice that it really takes time to download these size photos (approx 3264 x 2448) but I'd like to store on smugmug rather than purchasing a bunch of expensive cards. I went throught the "speeding up" section but I'm still not sure what an adequate size would be for bigger prints without compromising the quality too much. I'd hate to arrive home and not have decent quality pics to print.
I'm a smugmug neophyte and haven't ever used an internet cafe so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We will be travelling (so using internet cafes) and I notice that it really takes time to download these size photos (approx 3264 x 2448) but I'd like to store on smugmug rather than purchasing a bunch of expensive cards. I went throught the "speeding up" section but I'm still not sure what an adequate size would be for bigger prints without compromising the quality too much. I'd hate to arrive home and not have decent quality pics to print.
I'm a smugmug neophyte and haven't ever used an internet cafe so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Just a thought. Welcome to Dgrin, BTW.
Point me to some examples with 8 megapixels and less, fine and medium, and I'll return some free 8x10s to you. Then you can report back to the forum whether you can tell the difference.
My bet is this is what you'll find:
Thanks for the, if I wanted to see the difference (or NOT see it, as the case may be), where would I send some sample 8 x 10 photos to? I took a bunch of the same object on different settings from 1 mp up to 8 mp; sure can't tell the difference on the screen. But then my eyes aren't what they used to be either -- Maybe that's not such a bad thing
I know you don't need them but I included all the photos (cropped and otherwise) as I didn't know what would be best for the purpose. Is this confusing enough?
BTW - I sure noticed the difference in upload time with the smaller sized files - the time difference just between 5 & 8 mp is pretty big!
Thanks for doing this. I'm really curious to see the results and happy to report back. I'm sure others would be interested as well.
Of course it helps if you know where to look: