New Hair
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First day back, and I was enlisted to help my 12-year old with a project she's had in mind for some time now: she wanted to go BRIGHT red. I drew the line at a bleach-and-dye project, but after quite a few months of pleading on her part, I finally agreed to let her use a semi-permanent dye over her natural colour, and gave her a new cut to go with it. We actually had a fun girly "spa" day here at home, and the results weren't too bad for a pair of novices!
Of course, my "price" was that she had to let me take pictures 7d + 135L (except for the B&W, which was the 50 1.4) - available light + reflector.
1 This series was shot out towards the street in front of the house, and the bg is the tarmac itself! Gotta love the 135L - that bokeh can make anything look pretty (and having now discovered how well this works, I have another option for the natural light headshot shoots here at the house - SCORE!). Playing with processing - might be a tad overdone, but kind of fun.
2. Not sure if I prefer the warmer tones in the one above, or this slightly cooler look.
3. Sitting on the porch steps (about 120 degrees around from the other two, so light is now coming from behind and camera right, reflected back up onto her face)
First day back, and I was enlisted to help my 12-year old with a project she's had in mind for some time now: she wanted to go BRIGHT red. I drew the line at a bleach-and-dye project, but after quite a few months of pleading on her part, I finally agreed to let her use a semi-permanent dye over her natural colour, and gave her a new cut to go with it. We actually had a fun girly "spa" day here at home, and the results weren't too bad for a pair of novices!
Of course, my "price" was that she had to let me take pictures 7d + 135L (except for the B&W, which was the 50 1.4) - available light + reflector.
1 This series was shot out towards the street in front of the house, and the bg is the tarmac itself! Gotta love the 135L - that bokeh can make anything look pretty (and having now discovered how well this works, I have another option for the natural light headshot shoots here at the house - SCORE!). Playing with processing - might be a tad overdone, but kind of fun.
2. Not sure if I prefer the warmer tones in the one above, or this slightly cooler look.
3. Sitting on the porch steps (about 120 degrees around from the other two, so light is now coming from behind and camera right, reflected back up onto her face)
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Thanks Kelly. Yeah, I love the light in that last one, even though she was juussssttt on the edge of being super-silly by then and we didn't get so many good expressions (she's just about to give daddy - who, bless him, was holding the reflector - a giggle in this one but I sneaked in just before her face went....
What I am realising is that all my shots look like useable headshots. I really need to start branching out stylewise, don't I?!
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And, yes, now I want more great glass. I feel your pain!
Yup, Caroline, good glass is just... seductive. I'm starting to covet a really good mid-range zoom now as well as the legendary 85L 1.2; I love my Tamron and the 85 1.8 is no slouch, but having seen what the 7d does when combined with L quality glass... well, it's hard not to lust! Need to build up the piggy bank again first though.....................
14-24 24-70 70-200mm (vr2)
85 and 50 1.4
45 PC and sb910 x2
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
And just to prove there's still a kid lurking underneath the new sophistication .... (daddy, holding the reflector, was being silly out of shot.... )
Agree on not calling them teenagers until we have to... no need for that phase to start any sooner than necessary....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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lol, this one seems to be more funny
My favorite, I think, is the third one - I think I see more personality there and that's what I like to see in portraits.
Oh, and the driveway/street/whatever is really working for a backdrop in the first two.
Very well done!
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Elaine Heasley Photography