Like page vs personal page- facebook

I am thinking I want to change my facebook like/fan page to a personal page with business name so that I can "friend" and comment on pages from my fans/likers.
I currently have and realize that as people sign up I would like to comment on thier images or wall and unless I am missing something I can't do that?
I already have a personal page but don't really want to completely combine the two.
My question is how many are using fan/like pg vs personal pg set up for business? Is there a downside to either business wise?
I currently have and realize that as people sign up I would like to comment on thier images or wall and unless I am missing something I can't do that?
I already have a personal page but don't really want to completely combine the two.
My question is how many are using fan/like pg vs personal pg set up for business? Is there a downside to either business wise?
Each page has a unique objective and purpose. The fan page format works well for the business.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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I think they have some sort of script that runs your name through a database and if it shows up (like "photography") it kicks it out.
Neal Jacob
This is kindof how I feel. My friend page is personal for family/friends and such and I like/fan other pages but don't really want them seeing/commenting on my personal page info.
However I get "friend" requests from people that would be for my business side and as far as I can tell you just have to ignore them unless you want to personally "friend" them?
THANKS for all the replies!!
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
How do you set this up?
Neal Jacob
Go to Edit Friends, create a list and add clients to it, then go to Privacy Settings to limit that list.
Neal Jacob
If I am constantly updating my personal page..they will see the real me...and see my pictures..see other people's comments/likes...maybe one day, I can get referred or they will hire me.
It is personal..cause everything should be personal in thinking anyways.
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This is a first impression as I only just started with facebook. I joined to see Awais' photos. What I see is:
- hardly any of my business contacts are on facebook, and those that are seem to be of the "been there, tried that, not for me" school.
- lots of people are fanatic about the privacy options, maybe for good reason (I will see), so it makes it useless for prospecting or even locating old friends.
- I don't know how long it lasts whereas I know my business should last for many years yet. There was Myspace, there is Hyves, there was Bebo, and now there is Facebook. Google is rumored to start something soon after the demise of Buzz.
- it is not a business site. It is social networking and often trivial.
My first impression is that facebook is 90% hype. The first friends to sign up with me are media people from the BBC and suchlike; even they don't use it much. My children do not use it; they use something else and the last thing they want is Daddy as a friend, lurking in their social network.
This is a controversial first impression, I know, and I look forward to lots of people who disagree and tell me I am an old fuddy-duddy who just does not get it.
I have the same set up. Both work super well. Both pages, as well as a MySpace account contributed to a completely booked summer.
Gary Peterson
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Also noted some new "likes" Thank You!! will be doing the same for you!!
It is never to late to become what you might have been.
They don't have to, though. They only have to click the Like button once on your business page; after that, anything you post to your business page ends up on their News Feed. To make those items show up on your personal page, you just Share them to your Wall, which also has the effect of letting all your friends know you've got this other page they can Like if they want to see that part of your life (not everyone wants to see business-related promotions from friends).
The real disadvantage of business pages right now is you can't tag anyone in a photo that isn't in your personal Friends list. So if you want to tag some client, you have to Add those people as friends to your personal account anyway.