
Aperture 3.0 renames Masters as Versions??

redleashredleash Registered Users Posts: 3,840 Major grins
edited August 22, 2010 in Finishing School
I am using Aperture 3.0 on a MacBook Pro. When I process an image, Aperture automatically creates a new version with my adjustments. That's fine, that's the way it should be. But, it renames the original file as "Version 2" and gives the new, adjusted image the original file name. This gets confusing quickly. I don't have this problem on Ap 3 on my iMac, just on the laptop.

Any ideas how to stop this?

"But ask the animals, and they will teach you." (Job 12:7)

Lauren Blackwell


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    carmel6942carmel6942 Registered Users Posts: 154 Major grins
    edited August 22, 2010
    I don't know how to stop this specific behavior and I have not been able to duplicate it on my imac at home. The only thing I see is that when you make the adjustment and the new version is made it automatically stacks it and if your stack is not open you are seeing the version copy on top since it is the one you are working on. You might shut off the new version option, this will stop Aperture from making a new version when you make an adjustment to the master file. It might just be a fluke and turning off the option restarting Aperture and then turning the option back on might fix it ne_nau.gif If you don't need it to make a new version just leave it unselected and if you need a different version you can do it real easy.

    To disable creating new versions when making adjustments do the following.
    go to Aperture menu
    select Preferences
    click on Advanced tab
    and unselect the box create new versions when making adjustments.

    I hope this helps
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