Critique my Website

PLEASE note, I am a part-time photographer. I have a "day job" in software.
That said, here it is. I just overhauled it last night:
That said, here it is. I just overhauled it last night:
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
The pre-load thing is just way too long. I'm on DSL and it took way over 10 seconds or so. Don't want to guess what it would be like on dialup. You initial page should just pop up.
You don't have an "About Us" that says something about your business and you. That helps people feel a connection to you.
Your contact button tries to pop up the configured email program, but on a lot of systems that won't work as expected because it won't be configured properly. For example on a lot of systems where the user uses gmail and never touchs outlook, it will pop up outlook, which won't be usable because the user never config'd it. Best to have you email address on a Contact Us page and/or your About Us page. You might include both a form and an email button along with the address.
Do you really only have a single photo in each category shown on your home page? For someone looking for a particular type of photographer, you're not giving enough of a sample to make a decision.
Your "Gallery" link to smug opens a new browser window. In my mind that is poor behavior. The choice on opening a new window / tab belongs to the viewer, not to the website. Extra windows / tabs are another signal to me to close the site.
If you're going to use two different sites, you should attempt to make them look like they belong together. Your smugmug site has no customization other than adding a banner. At the very least the banners of the two sites should match, as should the backgrounds. I would copy the banner image from your new site to your smug site; it's much more professional looking. Your new site does have a black edge, but the white center background is what draws the eye. That means that there is a noticeable visible jump when switching from one to the other.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
BTW... I was at a hotel earlier and viewed your site and it took forever for the image preload. I just viewed your site right now at home (DSL) and it loaded quickly.
I just wanted to add.... Don't make me scroll! In your "Weddings" section, I had to scroll to read all the text. Unless it's a blog, I shouldn't be scrolling and even on a blog, don't make me scroll more than necessary.
Neal Jacob
I would be much more economical with your text. An About Me page is a good idea.
Man, I did not know that about the facebook link, of course for me and my wife and my friends it works. Jeez I hate facebook! Anyone know how to link to my like/fan "page"??
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I haven't implemented all the suggestions yet, but this is a start.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I like this one. I don't like having a new window open on your Gallery page though. Just remove the target="top" and your good to go.
Images in the Backcountry
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Your banner text wraps on your smug site on IE8 (the d is on a second line), looks ok on Firefox. But you really haven't accomplished a match - centered banner on one site, to the left on the other, just doesn't work for me.
In addition, you need to support your user's going back and forth between the two sites. A common navbar would allow that.
And as I said in my previous post, opening your galleries page in another window / tab is not good web design, and it something that would make me never open your site again. It's up to me as a viewer to propagate tabs, not your decision.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Umm, well, what do you recommend then? I haven't the foggiest as to how to customize SM to look like my white on black site. I think my site2 looks nearly identical to the SM Black Arts theme.
fixed, thanks.
Yes, that is on the to-do list. Ran out of time. The banner in SM is now a link back to my site. I think that's pretty standard. When I remove the target="top" from my site, this will work better.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.