
Please critique my websites...

JAmadoPhotographyJAmadoPhotography Registered Users Posts: 10 Big grins
edited August 20, 2010 in Finishing School


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    chrisjohnsonchrisjohnson Registered Users Posts: 772 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2010
    You have some great ideas here but I am confused what feedback you want. Some things are obvious - like the senior site should have a photo of a senior. And while I like your "in your face" pricing I did not like that it was the first thing that hit me. There are lots of other remarks that could be made but it would be helpful to know what you are looking for? Are these alternative style ideas or do you really intend to run four separate websites for each of your target markets?
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    Photog4ChristPhotog4Christ Registered Users Posts: 716 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2010
    A few initial observations:

    1) Please don't put "-" in your domain names. Yes, they're good for SEO, but a pain in the butt to type. It breaks up the "flow". :) Also, when you tell people your site it's easier to say "seniorpicturesdenver dot com" verses "senior dash (or hyphen) pictures dash denver dot com"

    2) Speaking of "pictures". You're a photographer. You're capturing memories. You do photography and portrait sessions. "Pictures" are what people take on family vacation. The "pictures" you're displaying on your website is your "portfolio". :)

    3) Don't make me scroll.

    4) Have someone proof your sites for spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes. :)

    As I said, that's just my initial observation. :)
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    kdogkdog Administrators Posts: 11,681 moderator
    edited August 20, 2010
    Clean, attractive, and easy to navigate. No flash or other gimmicks, no sound, just easy access to your "pictures" (that's what they are), and other vital information. It's so simple when you break it down, but most people get it wrong. Kudos to you, and your instructors who evidently taught you well. thumb.gif

    -joel (who's had some training in usability engineering)
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