SM Heros????

Can you please take a look at this post by Caroline ref not being able to sue the create card function and see if you can provide some insight to the issue? Greatly appreciated.
Hi Heroes!
I've been trying to create cards from various galleries on our website with the SmugMug Pro tool but no pictures appear in the "Recent" column for me to customize any of the card templates. Same problem occuring regardless of gallery or picture chosen on our site and regardless of card template chosen on SmugMug. FYI...I get the same result using a MAC as well as a Windows machine. Any suggestions?
As always, thanks for your help!
Caroline Brogen
Member: PPA, PPAM
Hi Heroes!
I've been trying to create cards from various galleries on our website with the SmugMug Pro tool but no pictures appear in the "Recent" column for me to customize any of the card templates. Same problem occuring regardless of gallery or picture chosen on our site and regardless of card template chosen on SmugMug. FYI...I get the same result using a MAC as well as a Windows machine. Any suggestions?
As always, thanks for your help!
Caroline Brogen
Member: PPA, PPAM
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