"Loading comments..." in comments section

I am not sure if this is a bug or something I've never noticed before; however, in any of my galleries located at
It says "Loading comments..." in all of the photo comments section.
I haven't officially launched my site, so I do not have any photo comments. Not sure if that is the issue, but I thought I should mention it just in case it is an actual bug.
It says "Loading comments..." in all of the photo comments section.
I haven't officially launched my site, so I do not have any photo comments. Not sure if that is the issue, but I thought I should mention it just in case it is an actual bug.
Which browser are you seeing this in? Its possible that these extra features like the toolbar at the bottom are slowing things down. I am not seeing it when I visit the site.
I tried it without the toolbar, and it resolved that problem. However, the makers of the toolbar have assured me that the issues are on your end and not on theirs. They recommended I run diagnostics on your site to confirm multiple coding issues.
I am just learning how to build sites and decipher code, but all of the tools bring up errors all over my smugmug site that are not my errors (without the toolbar installed). Is that normal? I do not see that occur on many other professionally built sites.
I have to say, I am just about at the end of my rope. I am jumping topics a bit, but I am starting to feel as if I've spent more time diagnosing and corresponding about SmugBugs then I have been able to put into building my site.
I chose SmugMug because I wanted to be able to have galleries that show my photos in a thumbnail style (such as your offered thumbnail gallery).
[FONT=verdana,sans-serif]You offer the thumbnail gallery style, yet it seems to have several bugs. I have been reporting them to you over the course of several months, and not only have they not been fixed, but I am unable to obtain any sort of time line as to when it will be resolved.
Up until now, I've had other projects that I've been working on, so I was able to wait for you all to work out the bugs on the site. But the time has come that I need to launch my photo site. I paid for your pro services, yet I've let my account sit for several months while I wait for bugs to be fixed. I believe it has been over four months on one of the bugs alone. It has been a few weeks since I informed you that my photos were not loading properly.
Photos not loading on a consistent basis is a BIG problem. Do you not agree?
Does it seem fair to you that you offer something that does not work properly and will not inform me of what is being done to resolve the problem and/or at least tell me the latest date I can expect my site to work in the manner offered by your company?[/FONT] Even if you were forthcoming and told me that you can't figure it out and do not know when or if it will ever work properly (if that is the case), at least I can make an educated decision as to how to proceed.
I understand that with a feature rich site that allows customization there are going to be bugs that need to be worked out. But this isn't a new feature you just rolled out. This is an existing gallery style that influenced my decision to build my site around SmugMug. [FONT=verdana,sans-serif]I already proved that it is not my customization that is causing the previously mentioned problems.
And it is not like I haven't been patient. It has been months since I reported the first bug and weeks since I reported my photos not loading. I can not wait months for the photo loading to be resolved.
I don't know if this is something that was being looked into but wanted to let you know since I am going through checking up on my site.
So let me understand
Nicole, we'd love to support every widget, toolbar out there. But the fact is we couldn't possibly keep up wit QA on them.
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Andy, at this point I would be ecstatic if you would simply support the SmugMug features and get them working as they are supposed to.
The main reason I am using the toolbar is because of the other things that do not function properly for me on the SmugMug site. (Such as sharing on Facebook and Twitter. Also, my photos do not load in some galleries so I use the toolbar to alert people about the bug.)
I've been back and forth with the makers of the toolbar and they insist the errors are on the SmugMug site. I believe I previously informed SmugMug of what they found either on another post or in an email. They claimed the errors already exist on your site but the conflict does not show until the toolbar is installed. (I believe there are SmugMug javascript errors?)
Right now it seems that the only "bug" that the toolbar is bringing out is the "loading comments..." in Internet Explorer. I do not know how you diagnose bugs, but I thought maybe it would be easy to check and verify if the conflict is indeed on your end. The toolbar makers claim they would fix it if the problem was on their end.
As of right now, my photos inconsistently load in my preferred gallery style. Also, the "share" feature does not work properly in my preferred gallery style. (see my unresolved bug report from April here http://dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=164931) Plus Facebook and Twitter sharing does not functionl. I sought out the toolbar so people could easily share my photos on Facebook and Twitter (which I thought was built in to SmugMug when I signed up.)
I keep trying to find ways to make SmugMug workable for me. But the bottom line is that if you would simply fix the bugs on your site, I would be able to get rid of the toolbar.
I understand. (although it has been quite awhile)
I only brought these things up here because I felt Andy was implying that I needed to remove the toolbar in order to have my site work and/or that it was the toolbar/customizations causing bugs.