challenge 46, opposites

Here's my thought.
Half Empty, Half Full
It's still a little rough, but I think the idea's a good one.
This is a picture of 2 glasses, not one mirrored in photoshop.

Thanks for looking.
Half Empty, Half Full
It's still a little rough, but I think the idea's a good one.
This is a picture of 2 glasses, not one mirrored in photoshop.

Thanks for looking.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Updated June 5 2007
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
On a VERY minor technical note, the bottom of the right glass appears to sit just a millimeter or two lower than the left one (to my eye).
If two people were to look at this pic at the same time, one of them would
say, "Look, a picture of two half empty glasses." and the other one would say,
"What do you mean, they're half full." Then they would look at each other and
say Hmmmmm.:D
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I thought opposites. And I think it is well done, too.
ginger just MHO
I tried another one, still low key, but with the glasses on a light board.
I need to try a high key one now. The glass is impossible to get perfectly clean.
Dust, fingerprints, lint. I never thought it would be that tough.
We, my laser wielding wife, and I tried a long shutter and pointing a laser pointer
into and around the glasses, but I didn't like those much.
What do you think?
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I personally like the first one before the first one better.
I'm in by no means a photographer(though I'd love to learn and improve my photography). I just like to take a lot of pics, so this is just a sugestion coming with a person with no experience whatsoever.
When you mentioned about the smooches, and fingerprints, I kinda though about your whole theme. As in kinda having one glass "dirty" on the water side, and the other one on the top side of the water. Like somebody grabbed the half empty one to drink it (from the bottom), and somebody grabbed the half full to fill it up(from the top).
My sugestion might take away the whole deepness of your shot though,
I just thought it could look pretty cool, but then again, I don't know much about the photography subject.
Love the pic as it is though, you might want to put the title inside the pic though, as the title and the pic are what make the picture such a great image.
On the subject of not be able to get the glasses pristine (always impossible every time I've tried, too...), what about changing to a lighter background and giving the H2O a tint? Also, the closest I've come to getting glass lint-free is with those little eyeglass cleaning cloths for glasses with anti-reflective coatings. You can get them at any optical shop, often free.
Thanks for looking at the pics and commenting. I don't want to leave the
fingerprints cause I don't think it would add anything to the photo, other
than the fact that I don't wash the dishes very well.:D
If I take the photo from to high or to low, you won't get the feeling that
I'm trying to show. I think I'm going to try a white background to see what
that will look like. I will probably try a different set of glasses, maybe 2
different kinds of glasses in one picture.
You should try a couple of your ideas for yourself. I don't have Dibs on this
style of pic. You have a interesting idea about the dirty/clean take on it.
Give it a try and see what you come up with.
Thanks again for commenting. I appreciate it
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I agree. I think putting the lens on the water line works better than even with
the bottom. But with the sides disappearing and leaving kind of a halo on top,
well I just thought it looked cool.
partially being blocked by the other one. I'm not so sure about that one.
I have plans to shoot this on a all white background, but I didn't have time
to do it yet. The tinted liquid might be a good thought also. We have those
glasses wipes at work, I never use them, but for this it may work.
Thanks for commenting. Hopefully I'll get a new version up Wednesday.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
The concept is wonderful and very original indeed.
I'm thinking... (but it would destroy the subtlety) ...add a straw to one and capture a stream of water flowing into the other.
It sounds like you are having fun working the idea, though. That's what I love about the challenges. They are a challenge!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
3 new ones.
high key.
half and half
and dark.
I can (and probably will) clean this up a bit.
As always, thanks for looking.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
So my vote is for half n half - plus, it further exemplifies your 'opposites' (black/white)
great idea, btw
I would go with No. 2 or half and half if you really want the visual opposites- I really like your level perspective in that shot.
nice, subtle idea too.
I'm going to switch to that pic.
Now, for photoshop gone wild. (I had to play with them a little bit)
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
The water turned a silver color, almost like Mercury looking liquid.
These are straight from the camera, I didn't think they were good enough
to process
This was one of the wife's suggestions. One glass a bit behind the other.
Thanks for looking.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
The original half & half is my favorite of all of these. Very nice high key/low key setup and the shot of the glasses is great. Nice job!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.