Just curious, I got the following error, and I have theory as to why, but I want to know if I'm right.
{"message":"invalid user","method":"smugmug.images.comments.add","stat":"fail","code":4}
I'm using an anon. session, and my theory is, to post a comment you have to be logged in. Is that correct?
{"message":"invalid user","method":"smugmug.images.comments.add","stat":"fail","code":4}
I'm using an anon. session, and my theory is, to post a comment you have to be logged in. Is that correct?
At this point, since we don't allow anonymous comments via SmugMug without a capcha image...we don't currently support adding comment via anonymous sessions.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Next related question: Why doesn't smugmug.images.comment.get return the number of comments an image has? Thanks!