Arrange Photos never works first time!!
Whenever I go to Arrange Photos, and it doesn't matter if I move one photo or spend half an hour moving lots - after saving the changes I'm finding that it hasn't saved any of the changes at all and I have to do it all again. The second time I do it, it works. It's becoming infuriating.
Any ideas and anyone experiencing the same?
Any ideas and anyone experiencing the same?
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Thank you. (Nice site!). It's happened in the past but it now happens every time I try and arrange. In fact I now go to arrange and quickly move any photo and save before going back and doing it fully as I know it won't work the first time.
Thank you, LPC. :-)
Re the problem... Hmmm, I did that "workaround" as well -- saving arrangements in small steps -- as I found it ended up being faster than taking a risk in doing everything at once, like you said, to end up re-doing it.
There are apparently other ongoing little bugs on users' sites that I read in other threads.
For example, this one:
I'm not really sure if any of these or others are being addressed or not.
(BTW... I LOVE your Macro photos! I have a Macro lens but haven't had the chance to try it out yet.)
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
The MoxieBlog