Mini Challenge #103 - Two is a party, three is a crowd

I am glad that I won the last mini challenge, being new here and all, I'm flattered:smile6
For the new mini challenge I would like to introduce couples, or let's just say: two is a party three is a crowd
Alle animals, twins, identical buildings, you name it, but it should be two of them and they must be similar, not three, not four, not five, 2 is the key number here!
I wish everybody good luck and hope to see many nice duo pictures!:thumb
Here are the rules:
Mini-Challenge #103 will end Saturday, Aug 28th 2010 at Midnight in central europe. (yes i'm from Europe
i've just checked my windows clock and date/timezone and it says UTC +01:00 Amsterdam. Hope that is clear enough.)
Here are some examples to get you all inspired
Greets, Korandoke
I am glad that I won the last mini challenge, being new here and all, I'm flattered:smile6
For the new mini challenge I would like to introduce couples, or let's just say: two is a party three is a crowd

Alle animals, twins, identical buildings, you name it, but it should be two of them and they must be similar, not three, not four, not five, 2 is the key number here!
I wish everybody good luck and hope to see many nice duo pictures!:thumb
Here are the rules:
Mini-Challenge #103 will end Saturday, Aug 28th 2010 at Midnight in central europe. (yes i'm from Europe

Here are some examples to get you all inspired

Greets, Korandoke
Best regards,
1. Lamb Sibs
2. A Lifetime of Togetherness
3. Tandem
I'm playing again. hera ya go
2 friends
2 friends
2 friends
Yah, these are nice i guess. Maybe i switch some later, but these will do for now
My site
Gadwall Ducks
Tundra Swans
Bluebelly Lizards
I ask you not to clam up
#2 Take us home!
#3 Halloween party team ...... Facebook
The Pair
Here is my contribution
No 1 is indifferent.
No 2 is horrible (never liked it)
No 3 is magnificent
Jenn--I almost spit out my coffee. It's like I never left the PJ forum
So what you are saying is that I have a nice range?
seriously though--I appreciate that you like #3--it is my favorite of the shots included--it's also one of my all time favorites.
#1 I like, mainly because I'm a sucker for converse shoes and it's a tribute of sorts--and #2, I dont' know what draws me to that one, I keep coming back to it, maybe because it's so horrible
BIG TIME EDIT: I looked at the numbers wrong...
You like the color shots of the women? I thought that's the one you hated?
I'm blown away that you dislike the couple in black and white--that's one of my all time favorites and yes it is horrible, I find their relationship so cold at a glance anyway, but I can't stop staring at it.
hmmmm the things you learn. You threw me for a loop on that one.
Midnight Traffic Jam
Two For A Buck
My Photos
My Facebook
#1 is creepy
Edited-swapped the last pic
1. Rusty Old Bikes
2. Worn Treasures
3. My foot is bigger than yours!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
My SmugMug
soloist and conductor (yeah, a bit blurry, but they wouldn't stand still! especially the violinist)
man and woman enjoying the sunset
seriously cool looking bikes
- Diana
Love. this.
- Diana
wave pattern:
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Here we go:
F7.1 ISO250 55mm 1/60
1. Orchids in the Window
2. Brothers on the Beach
3. Cheerleaders for the Middle School Robotics Team
I've discovered that I don't think in twos very often (except for scores of pictures of my sons)! So this has been a fun exercise to run through my shots looking for pairs...
1. Wingmen
2. Hello?
3. Kids Will Be Kids
And while I like this next one, I'm just posting it to post it, and not to have it compete with the others. Too much depth of field on it.
All photos taken with a Nikon D700 and a 70-200VRII lens.
Sorry, wasn't meant to be. Just my son messing around with one of the cats. She absolutely adores him and thought both their expressions were funny when he picked her up.
My Photos
My Facebook
My Photos
My Facebook
#1. Dogwood Blossoms
2. My daughter and her friend clowning around for the camera
3. Cry babies
Two bottles
Idential trees
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.