LR3 instead of CS5 just to get a current ACR??
I have CS3 and really don't want to upgrade to CS5. I can do everything I need in CS3 and I hate the thought of reloading all my plug-ins and recreating all of my macros.
The question is: Can I use LR3 as my ACR replacement? Then can I keep using CS3 for editing my outputted JPGs?
The reason I am considering doing this is that I have some newer cameras whose RAW format is not supported by the last version of ACR for CS3. I have loved ACR and it has been my preferred tool for editing photos, however, I am wondering if it is worth switching to LR3, learning their flow and using that for my RAW processing. The last time I used LR was when it was in Beta and I just found the workflow to cumbersome and slow.
Thoughts, comments, alternative ideas are welcome.
Thanks, Kevin
The question is: Can I use LR3 as my ACR replacement? Then can I keep using CS3 for editing my outputted JPGs?
The reason I am considering doing this is that I have some newer cameras whose RAW format is not supported by the last version of ACR for CS3. I have loved ACR and it has been my preferred tool for editing photos, however, I am wondering if it is worth switching to LR3, learning their flow and using that for my RAW processing. The last time I used LR was when it was in Beta and I just found the workflow to cumbersome and slow.
Thoughts, comments, alternative ideas are welcome.
Thanks, Kevin
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You can do local editing via CS 3 easily.
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Canon 1DM4, 300mm 2.8, 70-200mm 2.8, 200mm 1.8, 24-70mm 2.8, 85mm 1.8
This is exactly my situation too. I had no need to upgrade from CS3. Even when CS4 came out, I didn't even give it a second look. Same with CS5...
Film/TV Stills Photography
"When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt." ~ Henry J. Kaiser
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
If you pick "Render using Lightroom", it automatically makes a TIFF for you. I freely use the convenience of "Edit in Photoshop" all the time with the LR3/CS3 combination.
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No its right (however, as you point out, you do get a prompt). Bottom line is, you can't use an older version of ACR and get the functionality in Develop using a newer version of LR. If you want to use the older rendering engine (not a good idea), go for it.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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I never said you could not use the Edit in Photoshop, read it again. I said its an issue and it is! Im all for being corrected (it happens all the time). Usually useful when a correction is in order.
You can and you should not Edit in Photoshop if there is a mismatch in develop functionality. That's what I wrote, that's the facts. You do have to and you do want to Export if you want to maintain full, current raw processing functionality (like lens correction, new sharpening and noise reduction etc). The OP stated he is using CS3 which uses a very old version of ACR. IF you decide to do this, you lose all the new raw processing functionality.
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
If, for some reason, you chose the "Open Anyway" option (which I never do and I would advise against), that would take the RAW file and the LR3 adjustments you have so far and give them to Photoshop CS3. Since Photoshop CS3 doesn't have as current a version of ACR, it would use an older version of ACR to show the image in Photoshop which is NOT what you would want. If the older version doesn't have support for your camera, then it wouldn't even be able to open it.
So, Edit in Photoshop CS3 works great and saves several steps over manually exporting, but you need to choose Render Using Lightroom when promtped and you are then done with RAW editing at that point as the RAW edits are all baked into the TIFF.
If you used LR3 with CS5 (which both have the same version of ACR), then you could open the RAW file directly in CS5 and though you used layers on top of it in CS5, you could still open the smart object and make further RAW adjustments in ACR in CS5. Without CS5, you cannot do that and preserve all adjustments that LR3 is capable of. So far, this has not been a problem for me because when I go to Photoshop, I'm going to Photoshop because I'm done with RAW editing and I'm ready for pixel editing so I'm fine with rendering it to pixels at that point. You lose a little flexibility if you want to change something in the RAW editing, but it really hasn't been much of an issue for me and I haven't needed the newer features in CS4/5 so I'd rather save that money for lenses and other photo accessories.
Anyway, the combination of LR3 and CS3 is working great for me.
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Some LR users have found issues with the Edit command (usually when more than one version of PS is installed, fixed by reinstalling PS) or doesn't work at all. The link between LR and PS is fragile. The other advantage of not using Edit With PS are for many of us that do NOT want the edited version to be stored back into the LR catalog (you want to render and view a soft proof but don't want nor need that afterwards).
Bottom line is, you don't need CS5 and LR3 to be in sync version wise as long as you understand ACR's role here (Edit in PS, using Smart Objects).
Author "Color Management for Photographers"
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