Announcement: SmugMug-PMS3, a UPnP/DLNA interface for SmugMug accounts

SmugMug-PMS3 0.1
I've just completed the first version of a ps3mediaserver plugin which exposes your SmugMug account photos over DLNA protocols. What does all this mean? It means I can watch my photos on the big TV in the living room via my Play Station 3, without copying anything locally. This is great for vacation photo slide show screenings, and even better with popcorn :thumb.
It may also work with other DLNA enabled devices.
It uses the SmugMug 1.2.1 API via. smugmug-java-api-0.6.0.
Once running, your Play Station 3 XMB will show a hierarchy similar to this:
I've just completed the first version of a ps3mediaserver plugin which exposes your SmugMug account photos over DLNA protocols. What does all this mean? It means I can watch my photos on the big TV in the living room via my Play Station 3, without copying anything locally. This is great for vacation photo slide show screenings, and even better with popcorn :thumb.
It may also work with other DLNA enabled devices.
It uses the SmugMug 1.2.1 API via. smugmug-java-api-0.6.0.
Once running, your Play Station 3 XMB will show a hierarchy similar to this:
Photos PS3 Media Server SmugMug Accounts Recent Additions (TODO) Albums Album1 Album2 Image1 Image2 Image3 ... Album3 ... ...
My SmugMug
I've only tried PS3 Media Server with a PS3, however there is an entire forum section dedicated to discussing alternative Media Renderers. Most of it concerns video rendering or transcoding though (perhaps image rendering works more broadly).
With the Boxee box now slated for shipment in November, I am really hoping someone develops a SmugMug app for Boxee.
My SmugMug
What platform are you running pms on? I've been fighting with it on OS/X trying to get it to load plugins for a while now... no joy.
nm. A few minutes after I posted that I had a realization and got it working.
It's a great start! A couple bits of feedback for you:
This weekend I'm making some headway with the configuration GUI (no need to edit a properties file), adding several recent photos folders (e.g. Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month). I really like the your suggestion about making the photo size configurable. I think in the configuration for each account, it would make sense to add a "Photo Size" setting that maps to SmugMug API's values: Large, XLarge, X2LargeURL, X3LargeURL, Original.
I released version 0.4 just now which includes the configuration file naming change (note, it is, not as you suggested below), updated the documentation and I've also documented the TODO list.
Several months ago I made some mods to lispnik's module to add
Lispnik took the changes and they're in his source tree now, but you won't see them unless you're compiling from source. He didn't put up a new jar in the download area.
Alternatively, you can get a jar from my downloads, if you want these features.
This is works VERY well on a PC (Windows 7)!
Is this plugin compatible with the Mac OS? If so, where does the file go?
At the PS3 I'm able to see my categories and galleries. But whenever opening a gallery no images are found. And sometimes a DLNA error 2104 occurs.
Any idea?