Nation's Photo Lab

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this. I want to enlarge one of my wedding pictures and hang it on my living room wall. I was thinking a 20x40 print or larger but I don't know where to get it done. I see that Nations photo lab online does it. Does anyone have any experience with them? Or if not can suggest a quality place.
Nikon D5000
Nikon P80
Nikkor 22-300 VR
Nikkor 18-55 VR
Nikon P80
Nikkor 22-300 VR
Nikkor 18-55 VR
that I have been using for over 25yrs.........
Goood Luck
Nikon P80
Nikkor 22-300 VR
Nikkor 18-55 VR
I have been looking at Nations as they advertise quite heavily on FB for really inexpensive enlargements........
Nikon D60 Shooter - Portraits and Outdoors...