A shot of my kids
Just wanted to share one of my kids from yesterday (for critque---not the kids, just the photo, lol!). Played with some curves on the pp.
I was all geared up to take some shots of them together. I usually have a zillion of them individually and none in a group. I DO know why this is the case though. THEY ARE IMPOSSIBLE to take pictures of together. I have a heck of a time trying to keep the baby (19 mos) in the shot. He is into toddling everywhere and is not capable of bribery. So anyway, I had about 15 seconds to set my camera and take this shot. This is practically the only one I got with him on the rock.
I wanted to work on some nice rim lighting..but I might have missed the boat here. Suggestions? I know the comp is pretty average, but I have big time excuses for that. You should have seen how difficult it was to get that little guy in the picture.
Okay...I'll post others later. I got some nice ones of my eldest at least (with baby boy in one arm while snapping shots with the other). Sometimes I feel SO frustrated when shoots don't go my way. (vent over.)
I was all geared up to take some shots of them together. I usually have a zillion of them individually and none in a group. I DO know why this is the case though. THEY ARE IMPOSSIBLE to take pictures of together. I have a heck of a time trying to keep the baby (19 mos) in the shot. He is into toddling everywhere and is not capable of bribery. So anyway, I had about 15 seconds to set my camera and take this shot. This is practically the only one I got with him on the rock.
I wanted to work on some nice rim lighting..but I might have missed the boat here. Suggestions? I know the comp is pretty average, but I have big time excuses for that. You should have seen how difficult it was to get that little guy in the picture.
Okay...I'll post others later. I got some nice ones of my eldest at least (with baby boy in one arm while snapping shots with the other). Sometimes I feel SO frustrated when shoots don't go my way. (vent over.)
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I think the lighting is quite nice, although isn't true "rim lighting" coming more from directly behind them than the side? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Whatever it's called, it's sure pretty! No raccoon eyes so good job on that.
I see what GadgetRick means about the airspace - it's mostly between your son and younger daughter, I think, although I'm not sure where else you could have put her except maybe on his lap? Mitchell has done some super family shots with all five of them in frame, so if you can search here and find those, they may give you some more ideas (and I'm willing to guess he has some from when they were littler that he'd let you see if you ask him prettily )
The only nits are, as you say, the baby looking like he wants to sprint out of frame (well, he did!) and that you nicked your other son's toes off the bottom of the frame - other than that, looks pretty good to me!
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btw!! Love the matching colors / clothes!! And you got some beeeeeeauuuutiful kiddos!!
Angie. THANK YOU! You made my day with your comment on liking the light and processing. All I can cay is I've learned from the best
I appreciate all of the input. THANKS!!
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