Take pictures of Glass Jewelry...HELP!??
:scratchI make glass jewelry and want to take pictures to post to my website. I keep getting flash glare on my glass pieces. I've taken them inside and outside with a reflector screen. When I use the reflector screen outside I still see the screen in the pieces too. In the winter I will not be taking pictures outside, so I need to figure out how to keep the flash from reflecting on my glass pieces. CAN ANYONE HELP ME WITH SOME IDEAS? I have a Canon Rebel.
well.....I'm sure that there are more qualified persons than myself....but I would set up white board around item.....bounce flash off board.....
or use colored gels to add effects to the jewelry
You would likely benefit greatly from a "light tent" or "light box". If you go to eBay and put "light box" in the search bar you'll see some sample photos.
Basically you have a translucent box around the item and shine your lights at the outside of the box. There is thus no direct light on the item you are photographing.
Lots of these for sale at big photo stores, but they are also easy to make. Just google "how to make a light box" or something like that.
I don't know of any quick fix for this, but here are a few ideas.
Buy "Light Science & Magic" An introduction to photographic lighting.
Don't use a pop up flash on your camera. Put the camera on a tripod, and use constant lighting. Move reflectors, flags lights, etc. until you get a clean image with and or without reflections as desired.
Hie a local photographer who has experience with this type of photography, and outsource this part of your business.
Hire a photographer to help you get the gear you need and train you how to use it.
good luck
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
Another prop to use for this application is a glass or plexiglas platform. Clear, white and black are the most popular. You can get by with clear with white or black material under it - but colored plexi works best. This gives a nice product reflection in the foreground.
Good luck! Mike.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
Glass sculpture, ~ 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" x 1 1/4".
28" light tent from Alzo Digital (~$50 with four paper sweeps)
- gray paper sweep
- natural light from camera right (cloudy afternoon)
- white foamcore inside the tent on the left
- 26w CF 5500 degree bulb in clamp on reflector outside the top right of tent. Alzo sells the bulbs also....
Olympus E-510 in aperture mode, f14, 2s, 12-60mm @ 60mm, iso 100, tripod and two second timed shutter release.
Note - Can't remember why I ended up at f14, f8ish should do it
Cheers, Don
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