any way to change shopping cart ordering?
alright, i've got a dumb question, preceded by an over-long story.
most of this is skippable----
i'm still setting up my SM pro site, and have been doing some experimental economic tests on some clients to gain data on pricing strategies.
during the first round of tests, I enabled digital downloads only, and got some useful information.
during the second round of tests, i enabled a large set of print options from both labs, as well as the digital downloads.
this is where the data got real screwy.
I should point out here the point of the experiment. I'm attempting to encourage the near-exclusive use of digital downloads, as I want to minimize my exposure to client's ire over print quality and other such mis-directed complaints. In my experience, if a client takes responsibility for the print by ordering from walgreens or wherever, they are generally more pleased overall, having A) participated in the process and
taken charge of the final product. this way, they tend to be less likely to complain about things over which i have no control, or indeed about much of anything.
i'm not suggesting that the SM labs are inferior, just that moms, brides, and seniors love to complain, and i love to find ways to avoid that.
however, when i enabled prints, my labrats starting FLOCKING to them, despite the fact that they are priced in such a manner that digital downloads are the better deal by huge margin. (prices are currently being adjusted again for a different experiment).
end skippable part
anyway, here's the point. one thing that i noticed when i enabled prints was that when you go to buy a photo, the order of potential operations is "Prints" then "Merchandise" and THEN "Digital Downloads". Not only are Prints first in the tab order, but they also come up by default whenever you buy any photo that is prints-enabled.
this is HUGE. viewing order, convenience, and eyeball exposure all influence the behavior of consumers, so tossing Prints up first is a massively distortionary factor when you are trying to encourage downloads.
now the obvious answer is to disable everything but downloads right? Well, no. I still like the flexibility of having prints and merch AVAILABLE, i just would prefer that downloads are the main purchasing behavior.
as such, what i really want is to be able to change how the buy button works. or more specifically, when someone clicks buy photo, i want Digital Downloads to appear FIRST. Preferably both in tab order and in initial appearance, but the initial appearance is of prime importance. Tab order is not nearly as important.
so. my question is... well basically that. Can I change my site such that Digital Downloads is the default option when you click to buy a photo, while ALSO still allowing prints and/or merch? I really don't want to disable prints if i can avoid it. but i also really want downloads to be the vast majority of purchases.
thanks a billion, smugmuggers!
most of this is skippable----
i'm still setting up my SM pro site, and have been doing some experimental economic tests on some clients to gain data on pricing strategies.
during the first round of tests, I enabled digital downloads only, and got some useful information.
during the second round of tests, i enabled a large set of print options from both labs, as well as the digital downloads.
this is where the data got real screwy.
I should point out here the point of the experiment. I'm attempting to encourage the near-exclusive use of digital downloads, as I want to minimize my exposure to client's ire over print quality and other such mis-directed complaints. In my experience, if a client takes responsibility for the print by ordering from walgreens or wherever, they are generally more pleased overall, having A) participated in the process and

i'm not suggesting that the SM labs are inferior, just that moms, brides, and seniors love to complain, and i love to find ways to avoid that.
however, when i enabled prints, my labrats starting FLOCKING to them, despite the fact that they are priced in such a manner that digital downloads are the better deal by huge margin. (prices are currently being adjusted again for a different experiment).
end skippable part
anyway, here's the point. one thing that i noticed when i enabled prints was that when you go to buy a photo, the order of potential operations is "Prints" then "Merchandise" and THEN "Digital Downloads". Not only are Prints first in the tab order, but they also come up by default whenever you buy any photo that is prints-enabled.
this is HUGE. viewing order, convenience, and eyeball exposure all influence the behavior of consumers, so tossing Prints up first is a massively distortionary factor when you are trying to encourage downloads.
now the obvious answer is to disable everything but downloads right? Well, no. I still like the flexibility of having prints and merch AVAILABLE, i just would prefer that downloads are the main purchasing behavior.
as such, what i really want is to be able to change how the buy button works. or more specifically, when someone clicks buy photo, i want Digital Downloads to appear FIRST. Preferably both in tab order and in initial appearance, but the initial appearance is of prime importance. Tab order is not nearly as important.
so. my question is... well basically that. Can I change my site such that Digital Downloads is the default option when you click to buy a photo, while ALSO still allowing prints and/or merch? I really don't want to disable prints if i can avoid it. but i also really want downloads to be the vast majority of purchases.
thanks a billion, smugmuggers!
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ah well, thanks anyway. gotta figure out some other way to manipulate my clients now i suppose. :-P