Winners Of Mini Challenge #103 - Two is a party, three is a crowd

First of all, it was very hard to make a desission amongst all these wonderwull pictures, I have seen some stunning photo-art!!!
But after long delibetation I have finally made my choice!
Some of the pictures, I thought were not according to the task I had given. 3 :scratch ore more is not the same as 2 and I often did not see the similarity between the 2 on the picture:dunno so I judged them first according to wheater ore not the challengetopic was in the picture, and then I sorted them by beauty, artlevel and quality.
Not easy at all!!
I have put the best pictures in cronological order:
starting with the last but not least

Third place: Jwear

Second place: Raf F.

And the winner is, at first place: Davev
But after long delibetation I have finally made my choice!
Some of the pictures, I thought were not according to the task I had given. 3 :scratch ore more is not the same as 2 and I often did not see the similarity between the 2 on the picture:dunno so I judged them first according to wheater ore not the challengetopic was in the picture, and then I sorted them by beauty, artlevel and quality.
Not easy at all!!
I have put the best pictures in cronological order:
starting with the last but not least

Third place: Jwear

Second place: Raf F.

And the winner is, at first place: Davev

Best regards,
My Photos
My Facebook
And i'm honored to see my images appear on the winners list too
My site
Quick story behind the shot.
It was one of the colder mornings here in Minnesota, somewhere between -16 and -22.
My good friend Adam (Grimace) was dumb enough to go the swan area with me before sunrise ... again.
There's a power plant upstream from this area and when the temps are below 0, steam rises up from the river.
To the east, the sun rises directly over the river. The combo of steam and beams of light shinning through it
gives a person some great chances to capture these beautiful swans in a great atmospheric setting.
This has become a regular place for me to shoot in the cold weather of a Minnesota winter.
Thanks again, I'll have a new Mini up some time tonight.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Thanks for including mine in your picks.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
I hope un day you would take me with you and teach me about photography and wildlife in Minnesota.
Actually...all of these were great shots. So congrats to everyone!