DSS 58 - Options

It was a busy week. Work was intense, so I just got out shooting this weekend.
What do you think? Do any of these work for the theme? Any suggestions?
#1 Airborne Master

#2 Airborne Twist

#3 Watching the Master

#4 Uh Oh!

#5 It's Only a Flesh Wound

#6 Rough Landing
What do you think? Do any of these work for the theme? Any suggestions?
#1 Airborne Master

#2 Airborne Twist

#3 Watching the Master

#4 Uh Oh!

#5 It's Only a Flesh Wound

#6 Rough Landing

He's going to break an arm or collar bone landing like that!
19th Special Forces Group- Airborne
As they say, "it's not the fall that will get you, but the sudden stop!"
I like the last one too and I like the quote above as a possible title.
Not sure about that animal shot--looks awful, yet reminds me of a fuzzy slipper I used to wear as a child
Right :wow
#5 and #6 fit to the theme I think, but I like more #6
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5 is definitely a squirrel's head. It may be the one I saw foraging within a foot of my lazing cats last week. He got away with it that time, but may have tried it again. There may be too much ewwww factor for this one to be successful.
Here is a closer crop on #6. Does this work better?
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need to lug around a camera. ~Lewis Hine
I had another idea. Is this better than the others?
#8 Make my Day or Take Your Best Shot
#8a A little closer and different processing
I like #8's impact, but I think the blacks could stand to be pulled back a bit... just enough to show a little more tonal variation, but keep it punchy like it is. Also the crop on 8a is better.
I'd mix n' match
Then I did a reshoot with a different backdrop. Do any of these work better?
Are these better than #6 Rough Landing?
Is this concept better than the rough landing?
To be honest, I personally don't quite understand how this nice portrait can be related to the theme of the contest...
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I thing that the parachute fits better too.
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