Embeding Movies in Bulletin Boards

A discussion / Forum Board where I spend a lot of time has turned on Flash so we can embed our movies as well as photos.
The thing is I have very few options, this all the BBCode I get:
[flash=width,height]link to movie.swf[/flash]
This works in Youtube but not with smugmu, resizing the video box does not re size the video and there are no control buttons visible.
Is there a way to make this work do you think?
The discussion board in question is www.portlandhikers.org.
The thing is I have very few options, this all the BBCode I get:
[flash=width,height]link to movie.swf[/flash]
This works in Youtube but not with smugmu, resizing the video box does not re size the video and there are no control buttons visible.
Is there a way to make this work do you think?
The discussion board in question is www.portlandhikers.org.
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