Rearranging pictures in gallery

SquirtSquirt Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
edited August 31, 2010 in SmugMug Support
Why is it everytime I upload my images to a new gallery in the numbered order I took them in that it rearranges them all over the place? I hate that! I know I can click "arrange mode" but that only lets me rearrange them by page. I need to actually move pics from one page to another to get them back in order (the order I took during the shoot). Is there a way to do that?


  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,417 moderator
    edited August 31, 2010
    In the look & feel section of the gallery customization screen, you can set sort order. You might want to choose date taken or maybe file name.

    See the look & feel section of the help page at

    --- Denise
  • rainforest1155rainforest1155 Registered Users Posts: 4,566 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2010
    Hi Charrie,
    You can set your gallery to have your photos automatically arranged by whatever sort order you prefer. Check out the auto sort setting in your gallery settings:
    (in the look&feel section)

    Make sure that your numbering format is compliant for auto sorting. If you have files like this:
    the sort can't work properly.
    Adding leading zero's will help. Your files should look like this:
    If you plan on having photos with numbers bigger than 999, add another 0 to make the filenames all the same length:

    All the best,
    SmugMug Support Hero
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • WinsomeWorksWinsomeWorks Registered Users Posts: 1,935 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2010
    Squirt wrote: »
    Why is it everytime I upload my images to a new gallery in the numbered order I took them in that it rearranges them all over the place? I hate that! I know I can click "arrange mode" but that only lets me rearrange them by page. I need to actually move pics from one page to another to get them back in order (the order I took during the shoot). Is there a way to do that?
    Charrie, yes--- just click on your "Tools" button at the upper right, above your preview photo. Click Tools > Many Photos > Arrange > and then you'll have 4 different choices of ways to arrange. You'll have to try them out to see which one you like best. Sometimes it depends on the gallery, or how many you want to arrange. If you click on the choice "Arrange Photos" (which is actually a dopey name for this tool since obviously you're already arranging) you'll see a down arrow on the left beside the word "Position". If you choose "Date taken"
    (also a dopey name) it will arrange the photos by the exact time you shot them. (so I think it should be called "Time taken") After you do this, make sure you actually wait for them to re-arrange, and then save. When you get back to the gallery, you can always fine-tune it by using "arrange" directly on the page. [ETA: oooops, looks like a few of us overlapped, and with a few different suggestions. Oh well, take your pick!]
    Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
    DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
  • SquirtSquirt Registered Users Posts: 36 Big grins
    edited August 31, 2010
    Woohoo, I did it! Thanks so much. Appreciate everyone's help.
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