Owner Save - Saving my own file where I want it to save

It used to happen that when I clicked on "Owner save", I had two choices: "Open with..." or "Save". I still have those choices... however, in the past I always chose "Save" and then I'd have a choice of where I wanted that file to go. Sometimes I'd put it in a "downloads" folder I have set up, but other times not. Also, I have a "downloads" folder on a couple different external drives now. I could even re-name the file, which was very helpful. For at least a few months or more, I haven't been able to choose where I want the file to save to. It just immediately saves to one of the "downloads" folders, and I can't change the name either. It's possible I checked the "Do this with all downloads in the future..." box (or whatever the exact wording is) one time by accident. At any rate, how can I get back my ability to choose the folder I want the file to save to? And also I'd like to be able to re-name them. I sure hope it's possible. I'm still using the same browser (updated frequently) & system I've been using for a few yrs... FF/Vista... in case that matters. Thanks!
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com
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Oh thank you, Allen! I thought something had changed at Smug. My settings must have changed sometime when we updated FF or something, and I'd have never known where to look to find them. Great. I tried it & it gives me a choice now.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!) http://daybreakfolk.com