Washington D.C. Smugmug Photowalk
I had the pleasure of meeting up with Jake (red_zone) and Curt (concord977) in a photowalk Monday night around the National Mall. Both are great guys, easy going, talented photographers, and fun to share ideas with! We are planning others if anyone is interested in joining us next time.
Curt and Jake are both Nikon shooters, so Canon shooters are especially welcome! :rofl
On to the images! We were meeting at the WWII Memorial, but I parked a little too far away. The good news is that I got a few shots of the Washington Monument.

After we met up, we took some shots around the WWII memorial.

I had never been there at night, but it is an amazing site.


Black and white:

We then turned our lenses on the Reflecting Pool.


The Vietnam Memorial

Another perspective:

I will be processing more and will add them to the thread over the next few days.
C+C is welcome!
Curt and Jake are both Nikon shooters, so Canon shooters are especially welcome! :rofl
On to the images! We were meeting at the WWII Memorial, but I parked a little too far away. The good news is that I got a few shots of the Washington Monument.

After we met up, we took some shots around the WWII memorial.

I had never been there at night, but it is an amazing site.


Black and white:

We then turned our lenses on the Reflecting Pool.


The Vietnam Memorial

Another perspective:

I will be processing more and will add them to the thread over the next few days.
C+C is welcome!
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
Hi! I'm Wally: website | blog | facebook | IG | scotchNsniff
Nikon addict. D610, Tok 11-16, Sig 24-35, Nik 24-70/70-200vr
Eric pm'ed me after he re-booted the "introduce yourself" thread in Challenges, and we arranged thru email - I joined and immediately posted on the SmugMug User's Group (http://www.meetup.com/Washington-DC-SmugMug-User-Group/members/) and Curt emailed me from there. There's apparently a more active meetup group that Curt was telling us about, but this was just kinda dumb luck!
PS the other shots are in this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=176821
C&C for Eric~
What's with the texture in #3? It looks like you're looking through a screen. Starburst filter?
#2 looks a lot more yellow than I remember, were you using auto WB or did you post - also, is that a crop or a stitched pano?
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I saw someone quote ansel adams on here, saying "The most important part of the camera is the 12 inches behind it".
Overall, very nice.
These are from last night.
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
well done
And Jake (red_zone) is good people if anyone is interested in shooting in the DC area. I unfortunately can't make it tonight, but will try and be around the next time.
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
Thanks-I lived in the NY area from birth until I was 32 and I nearly went through my entire time living there without playing tourist. I still feel like a tourist in DC, so I can play one easily.
Thanks!. I am not sure-I will have to check, but probably not. I did cut it a little close there.
Thanks-I never really converted any photos to B+W until very recently. I am glad I am now.
Thanks! :ivar
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
Sorry-I missed these posts....
I do not know what is with the texture. I had iso at 6400 and maybe the banding came out in pp if that is possible. I will have to look at the original and maybe re-process it.
And with #2, I was using Auto, but I shot in RAW. I played with the levels a little in LR, but may have gone too far. And it is cropped
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail
My Gear
My Websites - Personal www.ericsmemories.com |"Professional" www.vividphotography.org
My Favorite Photos - Chicago, NYC, DC, London, Prague, Alaska, Yellowstone, Glacier NP, Vermont, Mt. Rushmore, Badlands NP, The Appalachian Trail