
Windows Print Screen / Screen Capture Color Management

JKLionheartJKLionheart Registered Users Posts: 47 Big grins
edited September 2, 2010 in Finishing School
I'm working in LR2 and I did a print screen showing the compare view (before/after) in order to show a friend the difference in post-processing. All I did was hit Print Screen and opened PS CS4 to paste the screen capture. When I do though, the colors are significantly cooler (lower color temp) and lower in contrast than what I see in LR2. As far as I understand, both LR2 and PS CS4 should be reading my monitor's color profile and should be consistent. The screen capture is a bitmap as far as I know, so it should also preserve a high level of detail and quality, though I'm not sure if it ignores color somehow... I can't even screen cap to really show you guys.

So I guess the question is... why is pasting the screen cap in PS CS4 not showing me the same colors as LR2 on the same monitor? :dunno

I did a quick search on color management discussions so hopefully this isn't a redundant thread. Thanks in advance!
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