Smart Gallery - Exclude Keyword
After trying various include/exclude options using smart galleries it appears that the exclude option either does not work or I am using it incorrectly. I have a series of photos posted at the following location:
Full List - Smart Gallery Test - Contains the 5 original images
Include Gallery - Smart Gallery Test - Uses the smart gallery option to include the gallery (Full List), it should contain 5 images
Include Keyword - Smart Gallery Test - Is a smart gallery with the options "include gallery Full List, include keyword georgia - It should contain 5 images
Exclude Keyword - Smart Gallery Test - Smart Gallery with options "include gallery Full List, exclude keyword waterfall" - This should contain only 4 images as one is tagged as a waterfall
All the galleries contain the same images.
Am I using the feature incorrectly or misinterpreting the include/exclude commands.
Full List - Smart Gallery Test - Contains the 5 original images
Include Gallery - Smart Gallery Test - Uses the smart gallery option to include the gallery (Full List), it should contain 5 images
Include Keyword - Smart Gallery Test - Is a smart gallery with the options "include gallery Full List, include keyword georgia - It should contain 5 images
Exclude Keyword - Smart Gallery Test - Smart Gallery with options "include gallery Full List, exclude keyword waterfall" - This should contain only 4 images as one is tagged as a waterfall
All the galleries contain the same images.
Am I using the feature incorrectly or misinterpreting the include/exclude commands.
(nick = brianb)
It has 3 rules:
* Include, My Photos, keyword = cleveland
* Include, My Photos, Date Range between 7/1/2010 and 9/10/2010
* Exclude, My Photos, keyword = wind turbine
Match rules = All, Include unlisted = no, max number = 1000
As you can see, the first photo has the keyword "wind turbine" on it, and its still showing. This is actually a second gallery I created to test it out, in case the first has some issue, but its behaving the same. I also tried excluding a single word keyword and no luck with that either.