Badlands, Tetons, Yellowstone.
Made a familiar run to the 3 national parks.
For the most part, the weather was good, it not hot.
The bad part of it being hot, the wild life doesn't move around as much.
On with a few shots.
Yellow mounds

Clouds moving in

The only rattle snake we saw. It's a small one, about 14 inches long, only one rattle. I was still afraid of it.

We stopped at Thermopolis for a night, and found this along the highway towards Jackson Hole.

We arrived at the Tetons a day earlier than expected, so we made a run through the park.
A black bear was eating berries on the road to the top of Signal Mountain.

The birds were catching a ride from the bison.

And a couple of moose were in and around the river.

After we met up with Grimace and Blondie, Adam and I went for a few morning shots.

On to Yellowstone.

These next panos are all muti-shot panos. From 2 to 8 shots were used and merged in CS3.

Even tried a couple of night shots. (I need to learn how to do this better and not have a full moon lighting the sky)

On the way out of the park, Kate and I got very lucky and found a Grizzly Bear walking along the side of the road.

It took a quick dip in a pond.

Then over the log and off into the woods.

All in all, a good trip.
But it just seemed like most of the wildlife was on the wrong side of me on this trip.
Even though the shots could have been a bit better, I can't complain about the trip .
We saw a lot of wildlife, good scenery, and good weather.
That's it for now, but I have a lot more shots to go through.
For the most part, the weather was good, it not hot.
The bad part of it being hot, the wild life doesn't move around as much.
On with a few shots.
Yellow mounds

Clouds moving in

The only rattle snake we saw. It's a small one, about 14 inches long, only one rattle. I was still afraid of it.

We stopped at Thermopolis for a night, and found this along the highway towards Jackson Hole.

We arrived at the Tetons a day earlier than expected, so we made a run through the park.
A black bear was eating berries on the road to the top of Signal Mountain.

The birds were catching a ride from the bison.

And a couple of moose were in and around the river.

After we met up with Grimace and Blondie, Adam and I went for a few morning shots.

On to Yellowstone.

These next panos are all muti-shot panos. From 2 to 8 shots were used and merged in CS3.

Even tried a couple of night shots. (I need to learn how to do this better and not have a full moon lighting the sky)

On the way out of the park, Kate and I got very lucky and found a Grizzly Bear walking along the side of the road.

It took a quick dip in a pond.

Then over the log and off into the woods.

All in all, a good trip.
But it just seemed like most of the wildlife was on the wrong side of me on this trip.
Even though the shots could have been a bit better, I can't complain about the trip .
We saw a lot of wildlife, good scenery, and good weather.
That's it for now, but I have a lot more shots to go through.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I heard that baby rattlers are more venomous than the adults since they are still unable to control the venom amount when biting.
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A couple more.
Osprey nest
Cow Moose
I don't know what she was eating from the bottom, but she sure liked it. She was here for about an hour.
How close is to close. This is full framed at 100mm on a 7D.
Lastly, a mule deer that would not get into an opening.
Thanks for looking.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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This shot just struck my funny bone:D
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[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif][FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans serif]I may not always be right, but I am never in doubt!
Certainly some travel mag/tourist agency would want to buy that shot!!!!
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Indiegirl, Not much to say about it.
It's getting near sunset, and the clouds were getting a bit thicker. A polarizer gave it a good look.
Marc, Nightingale, That's probably the best smile I've ever photographed.
Andy, I did use a tripod once during the trip, is was for the "Gone Fishing" shot.
As soon as I figure out how to hand hold a 15 minute shot, it's going up for sale.:D
Thanks again for looking.
Sorry about taking so long to get back to this.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
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Epic indeed!!
Jase //
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Pssst, I wanted my shadow in that one shot, but keep it under your hat.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
Lauren Blackwell