Need help with this
My son's Bar Mitzvah is approaching. I want to have a large photo as a sign in board with a for guests to write messages.
He loves to read. The theme for the party is "Evan's Library". I'm trying to get a portrait with light emanating from a book illuminating his face while reading. Any thoughts on these or other suggestions??
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He loves to read. The theme for the party is "Evan's Library". I'm trying to get a portrait with light emanating from a book illuminating his face while reading. Any thoughts on these or other suggestions??
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When is his date?
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Have you considered having him in a bed with a sheet half over him or something like that? Ie. reading book in secret with a flashlight or something along those lines?
October 3rd is the date.
Thanks for all the great comments. I actually turned up the brightness in the book in PP, so I will try some shots with it as I shot it.
I was trying to get a look like the book was glowing. I'm not really sure how to accomplish that.
I have softboxes and grids, but I'm not sure this will give me the look of the light emanating from the pages of the book lighting his face.
I need to play around with this some more. I may try hollowing out a book and placing a flash inside.
I was thinking of this same photo. I did a quick search but haven't found it yet. (I also seem to remember a couple shots from some challenges that had something similar.) Although I think the laptop was facing her and the flash was bounced into it, so we didn't see the actual screen.
Mitchell, are you specifically wanting the book pages to be visible, or could it be clear that he is reading and his face appears lit up from the book, but we don't actually see the pages because they are facing him and he is facing us? Does that make sense? The book cover could be a near silhouette with a flash set up to bounce from the pages up to his face. That way his face would be the primary focus and the brightest area of the photo and the book would be kinda backlit.
Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I really like these shots very much, Mitchell. (My son, same age, is also a voracious reader and I think these pictures work toward capturing the magic that such kids feel when they read--some of us adults, too!)
I prefer #1...I like the profile.
I also love the dark background. I completely disagree that seeing something in the background would help...I think the photo you created captures the idea that everything else fades away when one is reading. The shot is all about the boy and his book. (This is just personal opinion, of course...anyone who sees any of my shots will see that I love deep black shadows in a picture. It's the dramatist in me.)
My first quibble would be along the lines of the others who would like the book a little less blown. I don't mind the tops of the open pages glowing--I like that I can't see the words (the book could be any book)--but I do wish the edges of the pages were a bit more defined. I'd like to see the stack of pages. Maybe marrying two exposures together would accomplish this.
My second thought is that I'd prefer it if his knee weren't as visible. Not quite sure what I mean by this...but it distracts me a bit.
Mitchell, I really love this idea. (Can I steal it? ) I like your backup garage shots...but this idea is much more magical and will evoke this time in his life more potently in the future. Be sure and show us your final decision.
Edited to add: Forgot to say congratulations on your son's Bar Mitzvah!
(Nice shots!)
(Wait, upon rereading this thread, it has already been suggested. I still think it would work just fine!)
I think what would work nicely is using a softbox directed at your son's face for nice soft light. Up close to illuminate him and not the background.
On a boom arm out of camera view, just a strobe/flash head lighting the page. You could take a strobist piece of black foam and make it spotlight the book's pages.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.