Upload from iView MediaPro
I am a new user of both SmugMug and MediaPro. I am using a Mac PowerBook with OS X Tiger. What is the best way to upload my images to SmugMug?
Sorry if this is a stupid question. I searched the archives and couldn't find an answer. Thanks!
Sorry if this is a stupid question. I searched the archives and couldn't find an answer. Thanks!
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Best is different for everybody. What do you want? Easy? Powerful?
Well, unfortunately, if you want powerful, you'd need to run VPC in order to access Nikolai's Star*Explorer (do a search). The Mac pickins are kinda slim.
Lately I've found the easiest thing to do is to click the add photos button after I've created a gallery and drag the images onto the well that will appear once the java applet loads. You can drag from the finder or from iVMP, or Adobe Bridge, or any number of places.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
I concur. I only add that the add photos button is even easier. The standalone uploader requires a click from iPhoto mode to Folders mode, and then you need to select the gallery. The newest gallery is pre-selected, so that usually works out fine. But for me, create a gallery, click on a link on the resulting page, drag, drop, walk away is easiest. I just wish the uploader added more functionality.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Drag & Drop, select the gallery you want to upload and thats it.
I think smugmug is LOooong overdue for a good Mac uploader.