What went wrong?
I’ve ordered my first camera (Canon SX120) to learn about digital photography and manual exposure. It should be here within a few days. In the mean time, I truly enjoy reading as many posts as I can on your forum, which I find very informative and helpful. Just remembering everything is not easy in my old age. :scratch I am still confused about troubleshooting. Where does one start? Please look at the photo below taken at the orchid show in Japan which was posted on their web site. Am I right to assume that the pink Phal blooms is over-exposed while the base is under-exposed? How would you set your camera to improve this image? I clearly have no idea how I would try to correct this problem.

I'm not a pro, but been a avid amatuer for several decades. Best thing is to experiment on your own. Lots of good books, publications and forums (like dGrin) make for good reading. Also depending upon your interest(s) solutions may vary. Whether they be plant shows, land scapes, race cars, models, etc.
And always remember that lots of bad and so-so shots are usually intermingled with the occasional good or better shot. Digital makes this easier, too. So don't be afraid to experiment!
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie