Being able to order prints directly from my site (via smugmug)
i am posting that on this forum upon a suggestion from Kevin Wilson.
Re: Being able to order prints directly from my site (via smugmug) (ticket #115364)
tristan savatier, Sep 08 07:31 pm (MDT):
following a previous discussion with Kevin Harrington, i made two test pages to demonstrate what i would like to be able to do with Smugmug.
Case #1
1) go to
2) Click the "Order Print" button above the image
3) Read and memorize the instructions and click "OK"
4) Do as instructed (i.e. Click "Buy", then click "This Photo") - most people are never ordered prints from smugmug and they would fail here and not remember what to do to order prints on the smugmug photo page.
5) proceed with order...
Case #2
1) go to
2) Click the "Order Print" button above the image
3) proceed with order... (this is just a simulation, i.e. just an image of the smugmug order dialog)
I want to be able to implement "Case #2", which is a much better user experience than Case #1 and is likely to improve noticeably the conversion rate for an "Order Print" button on my website.
Basically i want to be able to reach the "Order" dialog directly, without passing by the photo page.
This is a critically important feature for me, and as soon as i can do that on smugmug, i will put an "Order Print" button on all my 10,000 photo pages, allowing ordering prints directly from my website via Smugmug.
Let me know if you are able to go through the two test cases as i describe, and if you understand my point.
If this simple feature was available (i.e. direct access to the "order print" dialog on smugmug), i would definitely renew my "pro" account on smugmug, because it would generate more than what it costs me. otherwise, the "pro" account fee will probably cost me more that my revenues, so i probably won't renew it.
PS: below is the email that i originally sent to Kevin Harrington. the last paragraph in the attached mail below indicate various ways this could be achieved, technically, if smugmug was interested to provide this useful feature.
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Tristan Savatier wrote:
> thanks for getting back to me!
> yes, i do, and i'll make a "test-page" to show you what i am trying to
> achieve. i'll let you know when it's ready.
> Basically i want to put an "Order Print" button on my photo pages (on my own
> website), and i want this button to lead directly to the "Buy" dialog on
> Smugmug.
> i.e. i want a way to redirect to a smugmug URL that will force the user
> directly into the "Buy" modal dialog on the smugmug photo page, in order to
> have much bigger chances to create a sale.
> my own website has a very sizable traffic (15,000 page-view per day), so i
> hope that by making is super-easy for people to buy my prints from smugmug,
> i could generate substential sales (good for me and smugmug). and maybe
> others photogtaphers that have most traffic on their own sites could
> beneffit for this too.
> if i have to explain my site visitors that, after clicking on "Order
> Prints", they will be redirected to a smugmug page, and then they should
> click on the "Buy" on the smugmug page and select "This Photo" in the
> smugmug drop-down menu, it's guaranteed that this will greatly reduce the
> "conversion ratio", because either they won't understand, or they will find
> this complicated, or they won't immediately see where the "Buy" button is on
> Smugmug. as you know, *people are lazy!!!* and anything slightly complicated
> reduces the "conversion ratio ".
> so in order to greatly improve the conversion ratio when people click on my
> "Order Print", i want to be able to redirect them directly on the "Buy"
> modal dialog on smugmug where they can order prints.
> and ideally, i would like this to be "modal", i.e. to have no way for the
> user to escape to some other smugmug page and "get lost". the smugmug "Buy
> Photo" dialog currently has two "Exits" : "Back to photos" and "Check Out".
> so basically i would like "Back to Photo" to go back to the referrer, just
> like the browser's BACK button (i.e. back to my photo page on my website,
> not on smugmug). but this is a less critical issue. the most critical
> issue for me is being able to reach directly the "Buy" modal dialog.
> i think maybe a way to achieve that could be to add a CGI parameter (query
> string) that would be recognized by smugmug and redirect to the Buy dialog.
> or maybe a URL extension after a "#", e.g. ?dialog=buyprint or
> #buyprint
Email Address:
tristan savatier <>
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Re: Being able to order prints directly from my site (via smugmug) (ticket #115364)
tristan savatier, Sep 08 07:31 pm (MDT):
following a previous discussion with Kevin Harrington, i made two test pages to demonstrate what i would like to be able to do with Smugmug.
Case #1
1) go to
2) Click the "Order Print" button above the image
3) Read and memorize the instructions and click "OK"
4) Do as instructed (i.e. Click "Buy", then click "This Photo") - most people are never ordered prints from smugmug and they would fail here and not remember what to do to order prints on the smugmug photo page.
5) proceed with order...
Case #2
1) go to
2) Click the "Order Print" button above the image
3) proceed with order... (this is just a simulation, i.e. just an image of the smugmug order dialog)
I want to be able to implement "Case #2", which is a much better user experience than Case #1 and is likely to improve noticeably the conversion rate for an "Order Print" button on my website.
Basically i want to be able to reach the "Order" dialog directly, without passing by the photo page.
This is a critically important feature for me, and as soon as i can do that on smugmug, i will put an "Order Print" button on all my 10,000 photo pages, allowing ordering prints directly from my website via Smugmug.
Let me know if you are able to go through the two test cases as i describe, and if you understand my point.
If this simple feature was available (i.e. direct access to the "order print" dialog on smugmug), i would definitely renew my "pro" account on smugmug, because it would generate more than what it costs me. otherwise, the "pro" account fee will probably cost me more that my revenues, so i probably won't renew it.
PS: below is the email that i originally sent to Kevin Harrington. the last paragraph in the attached mail below indicate various ways this could be achieved, technically, if smugmug was interested to provide this useful feature.
On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Tristan Savatier wrote:
> thanks for getting back to me!
> yes, i do, and i'll make a "test-page" to show you what i am trying to
> achieve. i'll let you know when it's ready.
> Basically i want to put an "Order Print" button on my photo pages (on my own
> website), and i want this button to lead directly to the "Buy" dialog on
> Smugmug.
> i.e. i want a way to redirect to a smugmug URL that will force the user
> directly into the "Buy" modal dialog on the smugmug photo page, in order to
> have much bigger chances to create a sale.
> my own website has a very sizable traffic (15,000 page-view per day), so i
> hope that by making is super-easy for people to buy my prints from smugmug,
> i could generate substential sales (good for me and smugmug). and maybe
> others photogtaphers that have most traffic on their own sites could
> beneffit for this too.
> if i have to explain my site visitors that, after clicking on "Order
> Prints", they will be redirected to a smugmug page, and then they should
> click on the "Buy" on the smugmug page and select "This Photo" in the
> smugmug drop-down menu, it's guaranteed that this will greatly reduce the
> "conversion ratio", because either they won't understand, or they will find
> this complicated, or they won't immediately see where the "Buy" button is on
> Smugmug. as you know, *people are lazy!!!* and anything slightly complicated
> reduces the "conversion ratio ".
> so in order to greatly improve the conversion ratio when people click on my
> "Order Print", i want to be able to redirect them directly on the "Buy"
> modal dialog on smugmug where they can order prints.
> and ideally, i would like this to be "modal", i.e. to have no way for the
> user to escape to some other smugmug page and "get lost". the smugmug "Buy
> Photo" dialog currently has two "Exits" : "Back to photos" and "Check Out".
> so basically i would like "Back to Photo" to go back to the referrer, just
> like the browser's BACK button (i.e. back to my photo page on my website,
> not on smugmug). but this is a less critical issue. the most critical
> issue for me is being able to reach directly the "Buy" modal dialog.
> i think maybe a way to achieve that could be to add a CGI parameter (query
> string) that would be recognized by smugmug and redirect to the Buy dialog.
> or maybe a URL extension after a "#", e.g. ?dialog=buyprint or
> #buyprint
Email Address:
tristan savatier <>
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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.127 Safari/533.4
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