Show keywords in smart gallery if source gallery is unlisted?
I'm trying to figure out how I want to manage galleries going forward, and I believe I know the answer to this, but I want to make sure I'm not missing something or a work around.
What I'm attempting to do is to set up multiple unlisted galleries, that roughly correspond to a a "shoot" (example: "2010-09-05 Lunchtime Walk Downtown", etc). Then, using keywords, populate smart galleries. That works fine, but is there any way to have the keywords display in the smart gallery, with the source gallery still unlisted? If a gallery is unlisted, its keywords are not shown. The source gallery could be made public, and the keywords are shown in the smart gallery (along with "View in original gallery"); but then it adds a lot of noise (as in a whole additional set of galleries broken out by date) to to the visitor view on the galleries/homepage (I'd prefer not to use CSS/JS to hide the source galleries, since that doesn't play nice with mobile view, etc).
I would also want to do something similar with manually collecting photos into a gallery from unlisted source galleries, but I suspect the behavior will be the same.
The other route I'm considering is using the Lightroom 3 Publish Service to help manage everything, but I may want to wait for it to mature a little first.
Any ideas?
What I'm attempting to do is to set up multiple unlisted galleries, that roughly correspond to a a "shoot" (example: "2010-09-05 Lunchtime Walk Downtown", etc). Then, using keywords, populate smart galleries. That works fine, but is there any way to have the keywords display in the smart gallery, with the source gallery still unlisted? If a gallery is unlisted, its keywords are not shown. The source gallery could be made public, and the keywords are shown in the smart gallery (along with "View in original gallery"); but then it adds a lot of noise (as in a whole additional set of galleries broken out by date) to to the visitor view on the galleries/homepage (I'd prefer not to use CSS/JS to hide the source galleries, since that doesn't play nice with mobile view, etc).
I would also want to do something similar with manually collecting photos into a gallery from unlisted source galleries, but I suspect the behavior will be the same.
The other route I'm considering is using the Lightroom 3 Publish Service to help manage everything, but I may want to wait for it to mature a little first.
Any ideas?
I don't think that keywords show for photos collected from unlisted galleries. The way the smart settings / collect photos feature works, it retains the security settings for the photos from the source gallery. And since the source photos reside in an unlisted gallery, no keywords should show.
Please correct me here if I'm wrong.
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SmugMug Support Hero
From what I've noticed in my brief time on SM, the only way keywords show up at all is if the photos are in a public gallery. Unless I'm wrong (happily accepted!), neither unlisted &/or password-protected galleries allow for visible keywords.
Kind of a bummer, if you ask me. I've looked for ways to do what you're attempting, but it doesn't seem feasible.
I have been attempting to do exactly what you described above with no luck. My plan was to hold a shoot in a single unlisted gallery and then, by using smart galleries, populate galleries with specific keywords. It was disappointing to find out keywords did not pass through and then the "exclude keyword" bug showed its head. I may try your plan to use JS/CSS.
Too bad I just pulled all may JS off the site a couple of months ago.
Still looking for a way to do this - I have unlisted galleries I am sharing with my family, and have added people tags in the keywords field. When I review the gallery as a guest, the keywords don't show up when displaying photo details. I don't even need them to be useful for search , but DO need them to display when "Photo Details" are selected. Any advice?
I did a quick test and I think I have a solution that might work for you. If you put a public gallery in an unlisted folder, the keywords display in the gallery, but the gallery remains hidden from the public. Just be careful to use separate unlisted folders for different audiences. But if you just want a friends and family section of your site, you can do it with one unlisted folder and make all the galleries inside it public. Test it out to make sure its as secure as you intend though.