Captions not showing up in slideshow

While I don't want captions on my homepage slideshow, I do want them in my galleries. Right now, on, they aren't showing up in my galleries. Any suggestions?
Thanks, Sally
Thanks, Sally
have no captions
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When I started putting captions in Portraits, they were showing up. So I didn't put any other in for now.
Thanks, Andy.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Oop... now one more thing. the Easy customization was telling me that the theme I'd chosen was causing a conflict. So, I went to revert to Default, but in my galleries, I no longer have the buttons for editing the page. How do I get them back.
Thanks, Sally
#caption_bottom {margin: 0 auto !important;}
My Website index | My Blog
A couple of other issues:
1. I still don't have the controls back in my galleries; any suggestions on that?
2. I was fiddling around, seeing if maybe I prefer the captions on the top center, so I tried replacing "bottom" in that code with "top" and that didn't work. Instead the caption went back to the far bottom left. What would be the right code for top center for the captions?
3. With my galleries no longer displayed as thumbnails on my homepage, how do I get to my hidden galleries when I want to edit them, without displaying Galleries on my homepage to the public?
Again, thank you so very much for all your help, Sally
Hi Guys:
In addition to the questions on my site (pasted below), I just found out that my domain name is no longer pointing to So, my clients can't find it. What do I do to get it back to the way it was working?
And here are my outstanding questions on
1. I still don't have the controls back in my galleries; any suggestions on that?
2. Okay, the captions are now on the bottom center. I was fiddling around, seeing if maybe I prefer the captions on the top center, so I tried replacing "bottom" in that code with "top" and that didn't work. Instead the caption went back to the far bottom left. What would be the right code for top center for the captions?
3. With my galleries no longer displayed as thumbnails on my homepage, how do I get to my hidden galleries when I want to edit them, without displaying Galleries on my homepage to the public?
Again, thank you so very much for all your help, Sally
.homepage .notLoggedIn #galleriesBox,
.homepage .notLoggedIn #categoriesBox {
display: none;
My Website index | My Blog
One issue, down.
One step at a time, we'll get this site (and my others) working. Any suggestions on the other questions/problems I have?
Many thanks, Sally
1. My domain name is no longer pointing to So, my clients can't find it. What do I do to get it back to the way it was working?
2. On, I still don't have the controls back in my galleries. How do I get them back?
Again, thank you so very much for all your help, Sally