For those of you that offer iPad packages

Just curious...
I've heard of some people that are offering iPad packages with portraits/weddings (example: Book my "A" package and receive a free iPad loaded with your wedding images). How do you go about doing that? Wouldn't the iPad be erased when they try connecting it to their computer after the initial sync with yours??
Thank you
I've heard of some people that are offering iPad packages with portraits/weddings (example: Book my "A" package and receive a free iPad loaded with your wedding images). How do you go about doing that? Wouldn't the iPad be erased when they try connecting it to their computer after the initial sync with yours??
Thank you

Neal Jacob
Neal Jacob
A possible plan could be to activate the new iPad at an Apple store (they will do this if you ask). If you ask very nicely, perhaps they could preload one photo album for you that you happen to have on a USB drive. It's worh a shot.
Neal Jacob
If I gotta spend $500 on a basic iPad, then I need to raise my package prices by at least that to stay ahead. Otherwise it cuts into my margin.
How are ya'll doing?
You don't necessarily have to raise the price of your top package by $500 (or at all for that matter, depending on your profit margin for each package). I think the assumption is that the addition of the ipad will result in more people choosing your top package, when they otherwise would have gone with a middle package. Here's an example. Note that I'm not a professional photographer, so this is all hypothetical...
Without ipad
Package A ($1000); $500 profit * 6 customers = $3000
Package B ($2500); $1500 profit * 3 customers = $4500
Package C ($4000); $2500 profit * 1 customer = $2500
Total profit = $10,000
With ipad
Package A ($1000); $500 profit * 6 customers = $3000
Package B ($2500); $1500 profit * 1 customers = $1500
Package C ($4000); $2000 profit * 3 customer = $6000
Total profit = $10,500
So, you've kept prices the same, but the addition of an ipad results in two couples choosing Package C when they otherwise would have chosen Package B. Your total profit increased by $500.
Another result of offering an ipad could be a couple choosing you over another photographer, because they think the ipad is a totally awesome idea (this is probably more likely given the price difference between Package B and Package C). That's straight up profit right there...
Of course, this is all hypothetical, but it's just an example of how lowering your margin on your top package by adding an very cool gadget can actually result in more total profits (assuming you either get more customers, or convert enough from Package B to Package C).
Neal Jacob